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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. Jim Sterling enjoyed it but also said the controls are firmly rooted in 2006, which greatly detracted from his enjoyment. To paraphrase, it's as if all the advancements in controls and physics and player feedback in the last 10 years never happened.

  2. Interesting theory was posted on Gaf earlier. Joel is actually dead, possibly the body on the floor, and Ellie says what he said as she's looking to wipe out those who killed him.


    Alternative theory, his little lie from the first game has grown terribly out of control.


    Also hating the "Part II" title. Dunno why it just don't do it for me.

  3. Are there more button layouts? I've gotten used to the controls, but I think having attack on square and dodge on circle would be nice.


    There are.....none of them offer that. One does switch Attack to R2 and dodge to L2.

  4. I'm having an inordinate amount of trouble with combat controls. Sprint being bound with attack is silly (though given the nature of dodging and phasing makes some sense) attack being on O is just bizarre. I often find myself warp striking in and then mashing O to try and dodge roll away and instead winding up for a slow greatsword hit.


    I think my problem is I'm trying to play it more like an actual action game, which typically use Square as the main attack button.


    Seeing as you only level up while resting, I wonder if it's possible to complete the game without ever levelling up/spending AP.


    More than likely yes, people have done low level runs of the other games including no spheregrid single character runs of FFX.

  6. I'm hoping that because this is my first proper FF, I'm going to be a bit less critical.


    Anyone with a Pro and a 4K TV have a preference with regards to the settings?



    I just got home and am planning to watch Kingsglaive first, so I haven't had a chance to fiddle with settings at all yet.


    Well after watching the uncanny valley, finally into the game.


    Sort of.


    Just in the tutorial going for HDR/High it immediately felt sluggish and chunky(maybe all the titanfall2...). The running animation seems so choppy. So I dropped to HDR/Lite which feels decent. And looks good still. I can see only a small difference in resolution. (Little less crisp).


    HDR I'm not noticing a big difference (thank you bland tutorial room.)

  7. 38.50.....fucking bullshit. Maybe tomorrow.


    36.70 now. Urgh. And apparently someone has done em this run in 20 seconds. I didn't watch the video but saw a screencap. His speed was maxed at 50kph. I've never seen my speed go above 42.....

  8. I'm hoping that because this is my first proper FF, I'm going to be a bit less critical.


    Anyone with a Pro and a 4K TV have a preference with regards to the settings?



    I just got home and am planning to watch Kingsglaive first, so I haven't had a chance to fiddle with settings at all yet.

  9. Yeah the UI and OS itself is absolute trash and runs rather poorly. It's just plain sad since at one point they use to understand user experience. Then they did Windows 8 followed be the Xbox One.


    Quantum Break I only played a little of but it's definitely a solid experience.

  10. IIRC it's near the end where you get a new BT and you have the new weapon. Save your special and you eventually head into a corridor where loads of solider run away from you. Just follow them for a few seconds and then let rip with your special move. It locks on to everything in sight and you'll pop the trophy.



    Finishing the game on the hardest difficulty isn't even the most challenging trophy. Getting under the time needed on the obstacle course is what makes or breaks a platinum run.


    Yeah that's kinda the area I was thinking. And yeah I know that the obstacle course would be the real roadblock. I just didn't feel like going through again right away.

  11. Beat this today. Not sure I want to put the effort into platinuming it just yet though. Running through again on the hardest difficulty sounds tedious.


    And I'm not so sure about where/how to get 25 kills in 2 seconds. Obviously the developers thought it'd be a bit simpler than it's turned out to be, bronze trophy ultra rare.

  12. There's apparently nudity in the game, just don't go sharing any screenshots as you might get banned from PSN: http://www.polygon.com/2016/11/14/13631156/sharing-watch-dogs-2-genitals-could-get-you-banned-ps4


    Well that sounds like some shit. I don't see how it's fair for them to police what someone shares on twitter. I could see it making sense if perhaps after the share it appeared on his PSN account in some form. I'm not really sure how the sharing fully works.

  13. I was just playing it a little bit (couple small firefights) with the unlocked frame rate. Didn't seem like anything was wrong with the performance. Though it was a pretty short stint.

  14. I'm downloading TLOU currently to give it a replay. The PS4 base version played beautifully (I went for the unlocked framerate). Hoping it's an exaggeration of how it runs on the Pro. I suspect people may just be overestimating the capabilities of the machine. 4K is an incredibly demanding resolution. Which is why to my knowledge most 4K games are 30fps. If you're coming from base TLOU with mostly 60fps, 4K@30 is going to feel and look sluggish comparatively.

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