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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. I always ponder about useless things when im drunk.


    But doesnt the K in 4K stand for kilo? Or 1000?


    I thought they wanted to have a 4000 resolution, since 3840 is pretty close to 4000. But then, 1080p would be 1.9K, so 2K...


    Well that's the wonderous thing about colloquial knowledge and naming conventions. They don't make sense and do what they want.


    Yes 4k refers to the approximate horizontal pixel count of 4000. In fact there is a different acceptable spec of 4K that is 4096x2160. There is also a 2K resolution spec that is 2048x1080 (half of 4K). Those are DCI specs though and consumer ranges differ obviously. Basically for no reason at all society flipped how they refer to resolution from vertical to horizontal. And with the switch we've also decided to be a bit less exact.


    Resolutions are a funny thing. Go to some hardcore hardware forums and you'll find people that swear up and down that 1920x1200 is worlds better and gives so much more work space than 1920x1080. (16:10 vs 16:9). It's hilarious stuff.


    A fun read if you care to ponder resolutions more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution

  2. Personally I find a good argument absolutely enthralling. Not just mud slinging of course, but an actual back and forth of the negatives and positives of a given subject/object.


    As for just posting a dissenting opinion in a thread full of praise, some of the people here should be directed towards the last few posts in the Horizon Zero Dawn thread. dan-likes-trees made such a post, he was not ostracized and others in the thread simple discussed the points made further. Much better than just circlejerking about the highs of the game.

  3. Where did you UK folks order from? @Eenuh is going away to Belgium next week and I'm tempted to get this to play whilst she is away.


    I'm drunk and it's 1:45 in the AM and it just occurred to me, I thought you preferred to purchase games digitally? (I am playing this currently, not just sitting around thinking of you while drunk.....this time)



    Anywho. On the road to meridian it finally hit me. The similar landscapes made me realize it hasn't been since Red Dead Redemption that a game has enthralled me so well. It isn't just the graphics, it is the literal beauty of the land cast before you. And it's something that only RDR has captured before I think. Because despite GTA5 Fallout 3/4/NV Or Just Cause 3 it isn't just graphics and scope of the world, there has to be something more. An intangible heart and soul to the game. I think I already said, but it bears repeating. This is the most beautiful game I have ever exxperienced.

  4. Depends how they're implemented. Achievements were a nice touch but never cared too much and still don't (Castlevania Symphony of the Night is still my only 100%). Somehow though whatever small differences that Trophies hold, I enjoy trying to collect them more.


    Of course regardless, there is no real reason Nintendo shouldn't implement the trend. I just hope they don't go full Nintendo on it and make the whole thing convoluted and unfun to manage. Ala online.

  5. Amazon and Game stick out to me as places to avoid. I wish game companies stopped supporting these time wasting idiots.


    Speaking for the US, Amazon is actually extremely great for ordering from. Day of delivery on all preorders so far for me. Also the fact that buying a new release on Amazon within like 2 weeks gives a 20% discount. $60 games on Amazon are $48 games if bought near release or preordered.


    That said I haven't gotten this yet because I'm afraid I'd play a couple hours and then get busy with work and not go back.

  6. I've followed literally nothing on this game but it seems to be popping into a number of recent conversations - can anyone sum up why I want/need this game in my life? I'm under the impression it's getting good vibes, but I recall next to nothing about it and kinda feel like attempting to stay spoiler-free (if applicable).


    Doesn't do much new but what it does it accomplishes extremely well. Quick gist is that in the far future of robot wildlife society is no more and what's left of humanity is multiple tribes of sorts. Obviously you are from a tribe and from there adventure happens.


    It's open world with side quests and hunting/gathering type elements various gadgets and apparently an amount of strategy goes into taking down larger enemies. Various play styles and such all can be applied to it.


    Also it's bloody gorgeous looking.



    Edit....didn't realize the page of replies after yours. Oh well.

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