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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. Idk if you're serious but it's more like a game change back-er :p old raid and lighthouse reward primaries used to have elements.


    Yeah, wasn't that all Year 1 though correct? I've had a few times I've lamented not having elements on a nice primary.

  2. Jim Sterling was absolutely glowing about the game from the bit I skimmed. (26 endings whaaaat). He gave it a 9/10 straight up called it art, and his conclusion paragraph was he would want budding game developers to play the game to completion. And that's all I skimmed.

  3. I forget why I dropped out of playing this. Probably OT or something, oh and waiting on the patches to the endgame. I tried going back to it a few weeks back and had a hell of a time.


    Now post Horizon (though vastly different games) I think it'll be even harder to go back and finish.

  4. Completed. That final mission...wooo.


    I feel like now I should go and actually play Killzone Shadow Fall. I did the first mission and just wasn't feeling it and now I feel I owe it to Guerilla to give it a real chance.


    But first, gotta go fuck up some grazer dummies.

  5. Neat. Never played the original but watched my friend play it occasionally. All I remember is kicking people and starting fights. Wait.....nope. That was Radiata Stories.



    I did read an LP on Radiant Historia, and I'm really puzzled why a system that is backwards complatible is getting a remake of the game. I'm not seeing the point.

  6. Nah neither of them are big deals. One was just commenting on my earlier suggestion, and what he didn't put under tags is just a name. You learn the name the same time you get the exposition about it.


    91.56% done. And like 50 hours (an amount of that is idle time while I do dumb shit on my phone). It's 5 in the AM here so I think I'll go to bed and finish tomorrow.

  7. You mean the house, Npcs and grave? It's great that the story and quests change lots of little stuff



    I am still wondering about the significance of the Horus machines/ metal devils. You only see afew in the game.


    My spoilers don't work?



    Yeah. That's what I meant. Your spoiler was broken because where you typed the message was actually meant to be the title of the spoiler.


    As for

    The Horus designation machines were basically just mobile cauldrons. Walking around spitting out other machines of the swarm (corruptors and deathbringers). Not seeing many of them kinda makes sense I'd bet they were spread throughout the world and as big as the game is really it is a relatively small space in the grand scheme.


  8. The game continues to blow me away.


    Wow. I honestly wasn't expecting the inside to look like that! It felt like I had just stepped into the real world in The Matrix.



    I also wasn't expecting to have a battle at the end of it. I spammed a few traps that I had been saving and took down the beastie quite quickly. Very happy I can now override a few more of the machines. If you get a reward like that after each Cauldron then I may hit them sooner rather than later.



    I reached the max in a lot of my resources, despite upgrading the bag to the max. I'm gonna start making and using traps more often as it seems there are plenty of resources to go around. I just need to get rid of my hoarding mentality and just let loose.



    They have some variance, but yeah the cauldrons are how you continue upgrading your override abilities. I think Aloy even quips about it around machines you can't unlock yet. Such a nice little touch.


  9. I didn't use much of those weapons(tying them down), but when I did I always moved around the enemy in a circle while firing at it, so try that. It makes sense to tie them down from different angles. Also, it may be the translation, but, I had a problem with confusing the arrow that tied them down with the arrow that makes them trip, so make sure you're using the right arrow.


    I did have the right one out. Ironically shortly after that I tied down two of them while standing perfectly still myself. It just seems a bit buggy I guess.


    I decided to look up Aloys voice actor. Motherfucking Ashly Burch! She's come a really long way from Hey Ash Whatcha Playing, and Tiny Tina in borderlands. Nice to see a happy little success story like that, and she does a damn fine job too.

  10. This is pissing me off a bit. I have the Shadow Ropecaster. Doing the tie down medium machines tutorial, I tied down a ravaged no problem, now I've come across Sawtooths that I can literally shoot 5-6 times and nothing happens to them. Point blank range too. They just get the yellow alert symbol.

  11. Easy Allies

    * * * * *




    It's reviews like this and hearing so many positive impressions which make me want to buy this game now... :D


    ...it's sense which is telling me to wait and clear some of the other games which are in my already expansive backlog. :indeed:


    Even so, I'm currently hovering over buying *Nier Automata and the previous game. :blank:


    *I bought them both... who knew that the original game would become so rare, oh well £80 later...


    There really is no hope for me. :heh:


    R.I.P. Wallet


    : peace:



    Have fun playing the original. Average gameplay (with a few Cavia hates completionist caveats) and fantastic story and music.

  12. Uhhh Sorry, that's my fault.


    It was in the let's talk about this place thread. It was just that in here we had a good example of how differing opinions in this thread are accepted and lend to conversations rather than vehement defenses.

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