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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I was comparing to MMOs where 60 days cost twice what capcom are charging. Here 2000 points is $20, that's 90 days, but for the average MMO 60 days is $30. For MH3 you could get 120 days at that price. I know this isn't an MMO, but servers still have a cost to maintain.
  2. Compared to MMOs that's pretty good pricing.
  3. Nolan


    Blasted Gamestop! Didn't have the game but it'll be in tomorrow and I went ahead and payed it off.
  4. This week on The Amazing Race contestants must go shark fishing using themselves as bait.
  5. I think an ointment to relieve the rash is a better solution.
  6. Nolan


    Tomorrow Hopefully it actually gets in tomorrow instead of just shipping and arriving Wednesday that would make me sad.
  7. Georgia is just above Florida, on the east coast. Florida is the peninsula stick out to the south on the east coast of America.
  8. Pssh, avatars are for losers.
  9. Sex Drive is a terrible movie, just terrible. It has it's moments, but they're few and far between, which would be fine except all the time in between those moments it's trying with so much effort to be funny and just comes off as incredibly stupid and unfunny. Pissing in the radiator, not funny Portrayal of the Amish, not funny Main characters brother attacking the garage door, and some dude on the sidewalk, funny Those whole donut thing, not funny (including the dong on it) The kid about to get poo'd on by the married chick, funny. Just examples.
  10. Second pic, pink thing- Secret of Mana Silktail(Pink rabite)?
  11. Nolan


    Banned for being american?! What are you, some kind of a racist?! I kid I kid. I promise not to rub it in.
  12. Nolan


    yup...4 more days, I can hardly wait.
  13. This is gonna be the best Sammich evar!
  14. That just seems to be you guys as they were budget priced here.
  15. Took 35 minutes for me, half an hour just to install from the discs, then 5 minutes for the update. Apparently though, my friend took 45 minutes to install FEAR 2.
  16. The Kinks. Sorry Dyson. Both are classics....but one is a good classic.
  17. I agree, Movie Wars is something I can get behind....and that's even if we leave out the adult films genre.
  18. That is a great movie. Neil Gaiman isn't it? @Dyson, that's quite awesome that your dad was on the movie, even as an extra, he still got credited.
  19. A Fish Called Wanda It's an absolute Classic with Kevin Kline, Micheal Palin, John Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis. The four of them seem to work so very well together. That said I do prefer Fierce Creatures as a film. 8/10
  20. Hard to tell without knowing what motherboard.
  21. It doesn't gobble my resources, I'm not going to deny it gobbling resources as it's different for everyone, but that's a non-issue for most people. Also, just bought the game, but haven't installed yet.
  22. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!! My Laptop got back, HD didn't die (thankfully) but my RAM did, so they replaced that and shipped it back.
  23. PLEASE! I just want to have your babies, my legacy must live on.
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