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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. There is an auto item pickup mod you can equip, which would remove a lot of the item tedium. 


    I don't recall ever really having issues with invisible walls, I know they’re around but, they’re also typically in spots you’d expect. You’re also definitely the only person I’ve seen call the combat rigid and dull. But if you’re not feeling. 

    I mean hey, I think Furi was an absolute chore and I only did I think a single boss. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

    Looks and sounds interesting. Getting some Alan Wake/Deadly Premonition vibes so it's got me interested. Looking forward to seeing more about how it all plays and whether or not it shares similar mechanics with Vampyr for the relationship aspect of the game. Seeing complaints it looks like a PS3 game but there's likely more than 12 months to go so plenty of time to straighten things out in that department. I don't think it looks bad myself but could definitely use a bit more polish, though that's a sentiment you could level at all of Dontnod's games really.

    People are fucking dumb though. I’ve seen plenty of “looks like a Xbox/ps2 game” complaints leveled at games that are vastly beyond, but they don’t reach the AAA first party level of fidelity. 

    People lose sight of the previous generations limitations sometimes. 

  3. Did....did the german language just break @drahkon? Or at least the Umlaut j mean. I think it did. 

    Anywhooo. Yeah i dont fucking know. Rum and IPAs and Final Fantasy 3/5. Ahen. 3/6. Blasted fatdingers. 

    I havent watched 7 psychopaths since it came out. I really enjoyed it i should watch that shit again. I also should watch Pans Labyrinth, I bought it for the 10 year anniversary and then...just neber warched it. Which is sad because j really like the movie. Just not the right mood for aomething that cant be background noise is the problem. Alsways the problem. 

  4. Bleh. 

    Oh well at least shotguns and sniper rifles will be useful again. Their move to the heavy slot and the lack of ammo synths basically made them into non starters for me. 

  5. 10 hours ago, drahkon said:

    I hope Devil May Cry 5 (if the rumours of it being announced) is a follow-up to the reboot. DmC was incredibly good.

    Unlikely. By naming and by the how polarizing DmC was for most people. It was a very good game, but a lot of people just can’t get past it being a rebooted DMC title. Honestly as a Devil May Cry title, it isn’t as great as previous entries. The combat wasn’t as technical and refined, and the story was goofy while trying to be overly serious. 

    It was an excellent title but not an excellent Devil May Cry. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Ashley said:


    Don’t judge. Just go woth the flow. 


    Hey guys and galls. Fun...no the opposite of that. Horrible fact, salad does not absorb boose at all. Cause i speialed pretty quick last night to the close my eyes and try not to die stage. Im blaming the non absorency status of lettuce fkr that. Booze is best when drank quickly amd time delayed via pizza crust. 

    My run may also have had an effect. Walking today has been....sore typically. But certainly possible. Did i mention yet im unemployed? Laid off. Possible strike imminent. So. I can do thinks like get drunk on weekdays and sleep in. Ill go back to work soon. Or strike iunno or care. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Sssshhhoooooooytsss. I havent done shots at homee in forever. Or captain morgan 100proof in like 7 years. Lasttime I remebr drinking it I chugged a quayer (1/4. Or .25 cause metric?) bottle on a buscan. BusVan. My buddies bachelor party. I apparently pissed and got aick (separately) all over the stripclub bathroom. I however remeber having perfect aim. Plus the friend recounting this was also drinking and I know has a havit of exxagerating things. But yeah I probably made a mess :/. 


    I slept at his moms house (cause me no drive) and me him and his girlfriend (now wife!) all got Taco Bell. And regardless of how black out drunk I was. I know I had a plain bean burriot with and bis girlfriend liked that I liked those too and suggested I get one without onions. She was adamant and I’ll never forget that conversation. But I also never got that onionlwas burrito. Those days were better times. Just. In gerneral. 


    Im plsying supermariorpg seven stars legend right now. Never have before really. Cept crappy emulator for like the bowerse battle and no further. SNES Classic mini is a good purchase even if I go full nostalgia and sit on the damn floor like and invlid. Wow I was typing real well intil the end there. 


    Shit beer and shit rum and for a shit night that’s fun woo!


    yalls like therapy for me. I lwan mean. Like venting therapy. I can get all fucked up. Then I can get drunk. And just ramble bullshit and no it’ll be accepted (yes that should be know) and. It helps. Not to be all melodramatic and I try to not cent the real shot and be a downer just feeling like I got aomebody. Bobody! Whats the B stand for?! (Was watching The Office earlier) (US) @dragkonnopethatsnotit.... @drahkon @martinist @S.C.G (Thank god yours comes up with a capital S. ) @Glen-i @Ashely fuck. & @ aashely >_> damn admins.... @Ashley and whomever else reads this thread. This thread started by @flameboy he outta get jn here. Thanks all. Shit. Not I z now im sorry this is an eddit. It was meant tk be short. I don’t love you all. Or likely any of you. But dammit tdo I really like all of thos community. Especially dissenting views. @Ronnie even if I don’t agree I very much like being able to argue/discuss a point. I now feel a bit an ass calling you out since I do agree with you I think semi often. 


    More rum!!!

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  8. Yes, the gravity rush remaster is pretty well done. You’ll be able to tell it wasn’t originally console centric, but with the relative power of the Vita it holds up pretty well. 


    Ahhh apprenticeship (pipe insulator)days. I don’t miss them, it’ll get better when you’re turned out. Do you mind if I ask what you’re apprenticing for?

  9. A bit of creativity and freedom eh? Gravity Rush sounds like it might be up your alley then. 

    Also Valkyria Chronicles was also an interesting bit of 3rd Person action. I never played past the first game and while the story was a bit bland the gameplay was certainly solid. 

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  10. Hmm cool. Just last night after only a couple weeks my little group was already tired of doing any more in destiny and are switching to EDF. 

    Hopefully Year 2 brings something big like The Taken King. Hopefully Bungie pulls their heads out of their collective asses and learns how to balance heroic modifiers too. 

  11. It shows Smash and Metroid as being developed by Bandai Namco 

    Fzero as developed by Platinum (who I think have no racer experience).

    Star Fox developed by Retro. 

    Those would all be some VERY odd changes I think. I’d go with the list being 50/50 on legitimate info and bullshit thrown at the wall just because. 

  12. I’ve seen pictures/people claiming to have played that top listing months ago on Imgur. I was downvotes for commenting that I hadn’t realized it released. R/mildlyinteresting. 

    Middle one has my intrigue though. 


    Edit: y’all motherfuxkers need to switch your avatars back to normal. Less of this Nivea legion shit. I thought I was replying to HoT


    edit edit @Sméagol @Ashley @everyoneever holy fuck we can have gifs as avatars now?!! I might have to retire mine....I mean it is only like a decade old now...

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