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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Well I thought that because it was the first episode is was a bit of a catching up from last series and the beginning of something so even though less happened it was showing the potential for so much. Creepy guy is creepy.
  2. I've just finished reading The Dice Man, which was quite insightful and thought provoking book and had I read it before choosing my degree, I would have been much more inclined to study psychology or philosophy. Anyone else read this?
  3. I don't have anything helpful. I know one person's power and believe them to be good that is all.
  4. Rummy, I don't agree with any of your points regarding blaming the banks/institutions personally. I don't think we all trust the banks simply to keep our money safe, if that was all I'm sure many people would keep most money somewhere they felt it secure in a place such as their homes where they can rely on themselves. We trust the banks not to misappropriate our money and not be able to return it. Besides blaming the banks is fine for the economic crisis because it isn't necessarily our money, it is the actions they took regarding money they never really had and doing other non-plausible actions that most sensible people would realise was not a good idea! I definitely believe that if a thief/hacker breaks into something, you can hardly blame those being robbed for not having enough security, how can you quantify/predict the amount of security needed? Ramble ramble ramble, think I've mainly reiterated above people's points/ made nonsensical opinions, it may be the whole victoria spongecake sugar rush I'm currently having :p
  5. This forum should so do something like this. N-Europe Squad MOVE OUT!
  6. You're a hero-of-mine Happy birthday!
  7. Definitely if you play a lot of co-op. On your own is good but co-op is easily where this game provides the best experience IMO.
  8. Yeah first episode was good and creepy, especially the last part O_O
  9. I'm surprised with my result. I was sure Madpool would win due to the form he has been in. Mcoys Sons look poised to take the Championship but I'm not giving up all hope! It's mainly down to his match vs Dyson.
  10. I don't know why but my team have become complacent!
  11. Woah, I'm really not a chav either. And Colchester is not more northern than Chelmsford, it's more eastern really :p
  12. Eurgh losing 1-0 to a completely defensive Odwinica just made me angry, I still feel it. Such a cheap win.
  13. Vote: No Lynch
  14. Vote: Diageo It hink he's more likely mafia.
  15. It's because you're from Colchester, never seen a hot girl (except yo momma obviously) from Colchester. Come down to Chelmsford where all the hot (read: schlaaaags) girls are from!
  16. How did Jenson win with 6 pit lane trips!!! Crazy. So exciting but annoying that it took so long throughout the day, what terrible weather.
  17. Thought that was what I did. The Peeps sorted it out for me! Absolutely hilarious stuff people.
  18. Genuine friendship zones? Really? I've never seen a physical zone around a woman before so I'm betting psychological.
  19. I thought this was funny. Why does the picture upload link not work Dammit!
  20. I thought you were complaining about your girlfriend issues very recently Dyson! You've now got 2 girls possibly instead! Get out of this thread!
  21. Hypnotist most likely a redirector?
  22. I'd like to hear from Dyson about anything he has done or had done to him.
  23. A neutral is gone, so nothing bad for townies so far!
  24. Remove Vote Pressure is on Diageooo
  25. Vote: Mcoy he just admitted it!
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