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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I know he didn't do anything last night/ he doesn't do it directly but he must have a job!
  2. Mcoy that I don't believe. What is the name of your character's job?
  3. A clever play on the whole looking for Boris Yvonne if you really are an investigator! What a way to play a first game.
  4. I just sold our Uni TV on Ebay! Got a decent price for it so I don't have to lug it home!
  5. I now have 3 teams in different leagues and was once ranked 6th in the whole of England and in the top 50 of the world! But those days are long gone, I'm now crap :p
  6. Never! I shall persevere without, though now I can't give it to instead since there are 3 on 10. Any ideas? I'll post up results in a bit.
  7. Yeah, you were the only person to get that! Though I think more luck than anything else!
  8. Jeebus guys this moved fast! I've only been out for dinner! Do we have enough votes? Vote: Sprout Esequiel trying to protect his co man?
  9. Right! I have the results! 13 players were in this season's competition and the final winner (who joint with me but I can't really win due to possible questioning of my independence) was........ Oddy! Yes, the know it all Xpert Oddy managed to win! He got 11 right. The same as me. Next with 10 points, (so close sorry guys!) was...Rowan, Charlie and MadDog! Cube, Jayseven and Haden follow on 9, Nikos and Dyson were on 8. ReZ had 7 with Peeps and Tales on 5 That's it and unfortunately Oddy who already has Xpert VIP gets some more! :p A free month of VIP to you good sir when I next get paid! --------------------------------------------------------------------- So hopefully you guys will want to try again next time? Not sure if people kept up with how they were doing through the season or really thought it was worth doing? I know Dyson was way in the lead sometime at the beginning but then lost it near the end.
  10. I'm no longer champion
  11. This game is hard because we don't know who is or is not the mafia 'side'. I'm just wondering if maybe the wife of Odin is scorned so she is evil or something, I don't know.
  12. Vote: Shorty We all know who to go for if we're wrong.
  13. So Sprout who are you? I haven't seen anywhere you telling us that.
  14. Blerg. So who wants to own up to being the mafia then? And Yvonne what is happening to you now that Boris is gone?
  15. Vote: Heroicjanitor What have you done to help townies?
  16. Dirty Trix are fun, I think I've used it maybe twice? On Bru obviously :p
  17. Why don't you do something to help you become more attractive to women? Hobby, exercise, better job? Just some suggestions I don't know.
  18. I can confirm that Mcoy has no target. I tried to roleblock and my pm said I couldn't roleblock because he did nothing to actually stop! :p So yeah he isn't the killer. I don't want to trust Cube, he may be mafia trying to push us in the wrong direction. No idea about anyone else though.
  19. Why? Why me? I've shown that I know what Diageo did and what Dazz did and say it. That is all, so how have I been suspicious when in fact we know next to nothing about heroic or jayseven?
  20. KPMG in London! Thanks!
  21. Well looks like I missed a massive forum thingy again! Curse me actually going outside once a month :X BUT! Yesterday I received notification of a 2:1 I have a job at KPMG and I'm ecstatic!
  22. Yes! Least I managed to nick second and defeat Eights finally to get revenge on that draw at the beginning of the season! Great work Mcoy Welcome to the Champions Hall of Fame! I'll get round to sorting out who was closest in the next few days. I'm got a bit of partying to do at the moment (see good stuff thread ) and then I'll recover and sort it out!
  23. I think those stalling for a vote especially Danny screams mafia.
  24. I feel bad for you Goron, but I also hope your ex doesn't get a job at KPMG :p With what sounds like an astounding first degree qualification, she'll make me look terrible! Also Kurtle, you seem to be able to dish out relationship advice easily but don't want to take anyone else's advice or guidance into account for yourself. Some people have come up with really good and helpful advice and almost every time you just dismiss it!
  25. Yeah, Jonnas should test it.
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