No idea how many votes Dazz has but I'll add mine (or have I already voted?) Vote: Dazz
Also, Dazz no offence but you and other people crumbling because they don't like the side/role they have is becoming more frequent and lame.
I really like them, seen them a few times and although not a fan of their new song Quelle Surprise, cannot make the tour dates unfortunately so for that reason Jav, I'm out. :p sorry!
Hold up.
Peeps said he wanted Jonnas to confirm he helped him last night. But I know for a fact he did not target Jonnas so how does that work?
Vote: Peeps
I get lucky? Someone else could have claimed policeman, that is a standard vanilla role rather than constable and the other police "members". surely you're possibly more suspicious than me!
I said I forgot to send in a target before, now who isn't paying attention :p
My pm says I'm a policeman. I just wrote the because I felt like it. Can't really become suspicious due to a technicality.
Also you're aren't a policeman you're a different job holder so don't try to twist my role!
I can't even remember what I posted yesterday. I remember saying I have a normal important town role. And that is 100% truthful, I'll reveal it in due time when someone actually believes I've done something evil but so far I still don't believe Diageo and think Jay is just being stoopid.
Well done Mcoy! Not a clue how I didn't win that or at least had an opportunity on goal! Disastrous. I'm determined to reclaim that second place though from Madpool :p
>_> ZOMG I can roleblock I must be evils. Why is is more likely to be evil?
I voted for Diageo and I'll follow Jay's vote again today because I think Diageo is mafia Vote Diageo
I randomly went out for a friend's birthday after deciding I should go out and we got on great and ended up being the last ones celebrating and drinking. My head is going to hurt tomorrow. Good times.
They should wait? Are you mad Cube?!
I don't think crime is out of control Zechs, there has always been crime and the only reason we are more aware is because of technology allowing the facilitation of making others aware of crime. Merf.