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Everything posted by martinist

  1. my hair looks kind of greasy in that photo...ah well, haven't got a tree or decorations up because my parents can't be arsed. Also i still don't know what Arthur got me (i have had the urdge to tear open the present on 3 occasions) whitch is annoying me to deah. I have spent some time doing Arnold Swartsheneger impressions (i.e.."get in the choppur"!, "get dooown"! and my fave "you dare to touch the muscles of hurculese") and thinking about the wierd dream i had this morning. Although this isn't very christmassy i admit
  2. wouldn't it be grate if you unwraped the shrink wrap, opened the box and there was no disk inside
  3. i usually play DVDs on my PS2, i tried playing them on my 360 but i just got in a kuffufle
  4. when i take a GC game out of my wii the screen goes black and it tells me to replace the disk cover. How can i go back to the wii menu screen without this happening?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hYI6Vy1Lrc a guy rapping his food order at a McDonnalds drive-thru Some guy pukes after eating at McDonnalds
  6. Best of 2006 zelda tp new super mario bros gears of war most anticipated of 2007 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Warioware Smooth Moves Super Mario Galaxy
  7. welcome to the forums and i'm glad to see that this thread isn't locked yet
  8. i got my first turkey in bowling today (yeay) my wii fitness age is around 31
  9. if you have registered another persons wii console code to your wii (and he has to do the same) when you get a message from that person through wiiconnect 24 the disk slot will illuminate and pulsate a blue light. The light isn't for show, its for notification purposes.
  10. I pre-ordered with GAME around mid October and they pulled through for me, now i have a Wii and a couple of other things too which is great
  11. my wii is working perfectly, the only thing i couldn't figure out is that ui have to point the wiimote at the sonsor bar instead of my TV.
  12. i just got monkey ball this morning but i haven't played it yet because i'm all wii-ed out at the moment
  13. I got my wii today!!! at 7:30am GAME opened and i rushed inside with my pre-order reciept up to the chasheir, he then said "congratulations your the first in this town to get a wii" i was so extatticly happy as he handed over my wii with zelda and monkey ball. at 8:45am i got the bus home gawking at the boxes on the way, around 9:30am i got home and started setting the thing up, after that i turned it on and went through the system set-up thingy and then on to the wii channels menu. i then connected to wii connect 24 and up-dated the console (it only took a couple of minutes), it took me a while to ajust to pointing the wii remote at the sensor bar insted of the TV, and then on to wii sports, played a bit of tennis and bowling and then came on to the forum to tell you all about it. And thats generally my wii-tastic day so far.
  14. hours....mear hours remaining.....
  15. i'll be picking my wii up in 10 hours and 20 minutes
  16. i'll be picking up my wii tomorrow from GAME at around 7:30am and then getting the bus back home to play the god-like thing! :)
  17. 7:30am tomorrow morning i'll be in GAME getting my wii with monkey ball and Zelda (pre-ordered the games today)....WIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!11
  18. there is no midnight launch in Dumfries but they are opening early on Friday morning (7:30am) so its really not so bad so to speak
  19. Welcome to the forums Rossatron and Nintendohnut i think your best bet would be (like everyone said before) to ring up all the stores and ask if they have the wii in stock, if not you could do what Gaggle64 is doing
  20. i....just...can't....wait...any...longer!!
  21. ...and me... not for long though...
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbojvgsUDuE
  23. Kumi Koda kicks ass
  24. i was number 46 and i got confirmation about 45 minutes ago that i'm getting a wii, i hope you get a call soon.
  25. I GOT A CALL FROM GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! i am garenteed a wii for friday, thay also asked me if i wanted to pre-order other games and what-not YEAY I'M GARENTEED A WII!!!!!!!
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