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Everything posted by martinist

  1. One Piece Manga box set 4
  2. GPU prices are crashing. All is right with the world...
  3. Found another Gameboy Player on eBay but it's got a week to go so the price is probably going to shoot way up. We'll see what happens.
  4. Been working my way through the network, started in 1998 and I'm currently at April 24th 2000 one week before Backlash where Steve Austin comes back. Been really fun so far, it's nice watching the stuff i remember watching as a kid. Still got another eight years worth of wrestling untill i'm caught up though lol.
  5. Don't really play alot of Fall Guys. More into Rocket League. Might pick this up again when it's released on the PS5 I guess.
  6. So I dropped a little over £100 on 8 omnibus volumes of Shaman King. Was meaning to buy this series when it was releasing but I was reading other stuff at the time.
  7. Still waiting for that phase 4 part 2 box set, then i'll watch them all. |Not really one to go to the movies to watch the Marvel films anyway.
  8. I really want to play the old Smackdown games on the PS1 and PS2, Might take a look on ebay for them later today
  9. So i just finished reading Goodnight Punpun for the first time about half an hour ago....shit got real at the end of volume 5 and just got worse from there. Probably going to lay in bed all day tomorrow to process what I just read....
  10. Still looking for a 3080 that won't destroy my bank account. I hear the 4000 series are being released this year though so i might actually wait for those.
  11. So I watched that Castlevania show on Netflix over the course of two days. At first i thought it was going to be a pretty crappy video game media tie in but the story ended up actually being pretty good. Neer the start there was a lot of fights and gore but by season 3 and 4 there was a lot less fighting and a lot more character development and backlstory. Was surprisingly really good...
  12. i'd probably only get about £30 for an out of box gamecube anyway. I'll get my hands on one of those things eventually.
  13. Not worth it at that price. Atleast not for me.
  14. Well, I knew i wouldn''t get it. I'm not paying more than £100 I could probably find the player itself and the disk for a little less than that anyway.
  15. I thought it was a good game when for what I played of it on the PS4. There was one point during the Delamaine mainframe virus quest that I just went "fuck this" All thos loot was floating in mid air neer the ceiling and i couldn't get at it at all. That was close to when I put the game down. I'll stick it in the PS5 and get the update downloaded before starting a new game. Looks like they've made a lot of improvements by the looks of things. Still doesn't look like it's out of the woods though.
  16. Already have a black Gamecube with the Digital AV so this will make two if i end up winning this which i doubt. Never really dabbled in HDMI outputs for old consoles. The videos i've seen online all require alot of soldering which I'm not very confident in doing.
  17. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304361234407?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1431.l2649 Heres the ebay listing. It shows the PAL boot disk in the tray with the DVD box in another. There is also an RGB to HDMI converter and a GBA link cable. I only ever really had one game, Harves Moon, that used the GBA connectivity but I needed Friends of Mineral Town and couldn't use it anyway. I might try it out now that i have the cable
  18. I have a bid on a Gamecube with a Gameboy Player for £55. Probably going to be outbid. I've been looking for a decently priced Gameboy Player for so long >_>
  19. So i've been working my way through 1999 on the network. Just got through the RAW after Fully Loaded. Yove got a Big Show and Undertaker storyline where Kane is choosing between X-Pac and the Undertaker, so Undertaker is interfeering in most of Kane's matches. They're pushing HHH for the WWF title at Summer Slam so he's cutting a lot of promos about it. I think the match ends up being a triple threat match between Austin HHH and Mankind with Mankind winning the belt since Austin didn't want to drop the title to HHH. The Acolytes became tag champions and start defending against the Hardey Boys on RAW the night after so I was really expecting them to retain, holding it for one night would just be a waste. Jeff Jerred is walking around with Debora talking about how nobody is going to see puppies, guy became Intercontinental champion at the PPV after Edge won it from him at a house show apparently. Mr McMahon is apparently "out of the company" after Austin won the first blood match but he comes back in like September so he's only really gone for two months. There is also a Test and Stephanie McMahon story line going where Test is going out with Stephanie which will be abandoned soon because you know what happens. Smackdown starts a week after Summer Slam so my watch time is pretty much going to double from then on.
  20. pain and regret is all i feel righht now. I somehow spent about £500 last night on god knows what...
  21. hello. i have sufficiently got there! It took a wee k but im' here. So why the y hell doesn't anyomne post in there anymore? touu guys are not true alcohallics! you make me ashamed! trhe nagain this is a nnintenddo forum, live a live is my fucking hjam this year fcujk yeah!! I aslo started watccheing wresting again since i stiopped a year or so agon. I think I watched tit from, 98 uhntill 2007 or so. You guys need to drink meore you know....
  22. Live A Live, Chrono Cross and Klonoa. Those are ones I'll be picking up for sure. New strikers looks nice but i'm not sure if i'll play it at all. Switch sports is a big maybe but I don't really like the badmitin and volleyball stuff.
  23. Need a new GPU. Still using an old GTX Titan Black I got in a pre-build a decade ago but GPUs are expensive >_> might stick a Ryzen 9 in there while i'm at it.
  24. Hi i'm getting there. Watch this space....
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