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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    The PS3 version of assassins creed was released on the same day as the 360 version, 15.november.
  2. DiemetriX

    Wii Fit

    A great video tour of Wii fit can be found here: http://revver.com/watch/514734/flv/wii-fit-balance-games-video-tour-1/ Looks amazing. I have to put this in my must buy list <3
  3. I'w got the game on import and it's great fun. My lady friends love's it more than I do though but thats only a good thing. Anywayz, I made you guys a sms sound chime from the game if anyones interested ZACK & WIKI SMS SOUND Right click, save link as If any one finds a better one please tell me
  4. Tnx Owen. It's great to get to hear your hands-on impression^^.
  5. But yeah. That was so wrong. That girl is psychologically ruined forever.
  6. I wish it was that easy. And Lately I have found out that I have become a shallow person... I just can't seem to get feelings for anyone who ain't "hot enough" Tbh. that date with that hot chick will probably blow up in my face and I'll stay single until my X comes back form Prague (3 years) Technically I'm still having "girl problems" | if you know what I mean
  7. My day just got a whole lot better. I used the hard to get angle, and now this girl wants a date ^^
  8. Good idea ^^ gonna take pictures with all the different lights ^^
  9. IGN Review 6.3 Rabbids 2 is a sequel that has more style than substance. It's unfortunate, but it's true. While Ubisoft has added 50 new minis and colored the experience with unlockable costumes and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection support (for high score tracking), the core games are less enjoyable than those in the first, which is very disappointing. If you plan to pick the game up to play with friends, you will still have some fun -- some of the minis still deliver -- but don't expect a compete package as varied as the original. And as a single-player game, I wouldn't bother. Ubisoft does have the laughs down, but if there's to a be a third installment, I hope it will focus on minis that really use the Wii remote and nunchuk in unique and intuitive ways.
  10. Best way to do it. Done with the last boss. 12hours and 71% game completion. The last boss was way to easy though :/ Gonna go back and get 100% ^^
  11. I have one with Maro clash, Mario Tennis, Wario , Bomberman and another game. Don't play it much but great ting to have in your Nintendo collection ^^
  12. Tnx Bluejay. If It helps I won the game in a competition. My life isn't as good as it sounds, but I love it
  13. Gonna write about the installation process and the look and feel of the case. As you can see on some of the pictures, The top cover isn't align and on the side of the case theres a small incave/dent. And the power/standy light lights trough the top of the button. All those things things factor in my "review" or scoring of the Case.
  14. Glad I'm getting this game for free. Looking good although I agree with some reviews. Looks like it can get repetitive quick and the A.I looks bad when fighting in a group.
  15. I lovethis game! Had 6friends over yesterday. One TV each. We ended up being host, we all had the same clan tag and fought another clan all night. We only lost two rounds and won about a dozen ^^ and stefkov... Sick FNG test score
  16. Completed Eternal darkness in one sitting. Thats about 14hr isn't it? I miss those times. Now I'm lucky if I have time to play 2hr :/
  17. Great news. This game has potential.
  18. Hehe. They load at 2kb more each second. They should be fine Wanted it to match the light on my charger Bought them when I was in Japan.
  19. You also get Red and Blue light when you buy the case ^^ So when i get tired I'll just switch. Cost me $40 + postage. Bought it from Divineo Sadly, yes. But my Wii is newly refurbished and I have a contact within Nintendo so I hope she'll fix me up if needed.
  20. Gonna write more about it later, I installed it my self. But for now just enjoy these pictures. Katana case 7.9/10 ( Looks gr8 ) Difficult to install 4/5 (I have no experience with things like this)
  21. Bought it from http://www.divineo.cn/cgi-bin/div-cn/wii-spvgun Got them within a week. Tnx m8
  22. I bought 5 of these gun shells. you can see my hands on impression video at the end here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wiu4UeW08T4 To summarize. The rumble function sucked, other that it worked great. The Wiimote is a bit to loose. Using it feels better than not using a shell but the zapper is better. Trigger is responsive. At $10 it was worth the cash. (sold 2 of them for $27 each )
  23. Made a videoblog with a bit about Endless ocean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wiu4UeW08T4
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