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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. OMG: Se alot more here: http://www.akihabaranews.com/en/review-78-Super+Potato%2C+THE+place+for+gamers%2C+HDTV.html
  2. OMG! I think I'll be able to come in before they open the doors to the public. That should make things a lot more easier. I'll see if I see any and report back
  3. Hi guys.I have been relatively busy lately. Sorry. But I have an announcement. I'm Going to Japan Me and 7 Friends are leaving for Tokyo in 15 days. (Adrian DX is one of those friends. I'll make sure he doesn't sell his soul for phoenix wright stash ) We are going to try making a small documentary as well as try to do "daily" youtube updates. One of my goals is to see if Japanese people can say the letter "L". And I'm also going to TGS.. jepp. TOKYO GAME SHOW If there's anything you want me to film or check out just tell me, and I'll put it on my to do list. I can't promise anything but I'll be there for 2weeks.
  4. Better than RE4 ? Better than Metroid Prime, Mario and Zelda?
  5. If it's good I'll buy it. Bigger, bloodier does seem better
  6. Despite Manhunt 2 being revised for its 31st October release in the US and currently banned in the UK by the BBFC, it seems the game will slip through the net into Europe via The Netherlands, since the country's Ministry is powerless to ban the controversial Wii/PSP/PS2 game from Rockstar and publisher Take Two. Apparently it seems that the Dutch Ministry is refusing to step in and prevent the game from hitting The Netherlands as it would prove to be a matter of conflict with current law in that country. Whilst people can still be prosecuted if the game is distributed to those under the age of 16, no cases such as this have ever been tried in the Netherlands. sauce : http://www.cubed3.com/news/8485/1/Manhunt_2_Uncut_for_The_Netherlands!
  7. Un-censored version in teh Netherlands Thats pal right? Do they Translate their games?
  8. Thats is s good point dannbrownn and there's a lot of truth in what you say. And Could the Wii really be selling better than it already is? But I'm sure that some "hardcore" games Will make a massive inpact. Mario for example will definitively ensure that the Wii stays on top this holiday season. Lets face it, there aren't many great games out there for the casual gamer and games like Mario and Brawl are great games that even fills that gap between casual and hardcore. Great games will always sell console. Halo3 and MGS4 are other hardcore games that is system sellers. We just happen to get the Games that target the largest group of people
  9. After seeing IGNs review I can say Metroid > Bioshock (I have played trough bioshock)
  10. DiemetriX


    I'm not being negative.. but I give this game 8.8 I'm partially disappointed but thats because I had skyhig hopes. It's a great game. But It's not the best gaming experience I'w had. I do have the feeling that I rushed trough it though. So I'm gonna take my time with it the second time. I Love the Visuals and audio. But disappointed with the plasmid selection and other small things, like not being able to see how you have beefed up your character if your not near a genebank. The thing that bothers me most about the game is the no death penalty. You can even kill a big daddy with the rench if your vita chamber is nearby. This makes dieing totally ok, and takes away from the excitement of staying alive. You can't really die, No matter how hard you try. I played trough the game as a good guy on normal mode and found it to be way to easy. Still a great game though. Worthy of being in any gamers collection and to be played trough for both endings.
  11. I passed the 10000 mark with Bioshock
  12. wow. Looks amazing. Hope the 360 can manage that.
  13. If this game is as good as TWINE and has good Wii controls I'm buyig it. I loved TWINE
  14. More screens here: http://decasporta.com/ Looks good IMO. Hope it's good
  15. DiemetriX


    I just want to randomly point the fact that Dexters way of arguing is way better than some xmembers *cough* zeldafreak *cough* I understand where he's coming from, although i disagree with his 10/10 scale. and TBH the Bioshock demo didn't blow me out off the water (no pun intended). So I can understand why he doesn't think it deserves top scores in his book, he doesn't even really like FPS games. I personally is looking forward to this game. Although it's only a must buy 'cause the reviews say so. I hope the game delivers when i finally get it (some days before release ^^)
  16. The 360 downloadable demo service is awesome and millions have downloaded demos. I hope Wii can get demo's as well.
  17. Interesting Mp3 scoring close to bioshock? <3 awesome
  18. I'm gonna bee poor this year >_< Buying: Halo 3 Bioshock Good reviews = purchases on these titles Assassins creed Army of two Battle field bad company Burnout Paradise Call of duty 4 Half life 2 orange box Mass effect
  19. Where have you been ashmat? Track and field has been talked about alot here. ohh..
  20. I recommend this game. It's not as good as the Godfather but still highly enjoyable.
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