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Everything posted by Julius

  1. I mentioned the Anistar Sundial on your forums. Probably not related to Pokémon Sun and Moon, but still...it is a giant crystalline structure as opposed to the standard stone sundials we see. Am I right in assuming that you're of a similar belief to me, in that whatever the next games (be it Sun, Moon, Night, Day, whatever) turn out to be, that they will end Gen VI as opposed to starting Gen VII?
  2. I've missed a lot of the XYZ anime. Any other bits like this I've missed out on? Whilst we're on the topic, the Sun and Moon can also be partnered with Life and Death in many mythologies around the world. On an interesting note, there are both Sun and Moon wolves in Norse Mythology, which X and Y Legendaries seem to have taken quite a bit of inspiration from. If we are getting these games, I kind of expect the Sun and Moon Pokémon to be pretty strong. Anyone got ideas on typing?
  3. In the event this does turn out to be that these games are legit, it's still unknown as to whether or not they'll finish Gen VI or start VII (though I think finishing VI makes a lot more sense). Also, assuming these are the games, then that "leaked list" is certainly fake. I'm hoping we're still in Gen VI (Gen VII makes no sense at this point), and have a number of theories. For example, the lighter colours prominent on Zygarde's perfect form - orange and a lighter blue - could be an indication that they are somehow connected. If Zygarde is protecting the ecosystem, that ecosystem depends on the Sun and Moon (the day and night cycle), as well as life (Xerneas) and death (Yveltal). Though, I'd expect a Sun and Moon Pokémon to be stronger. Onto the region. We still have no idea how the Strange Souvenir is connected to anything - in fact talk of it has died down. But many South American civilisations - such as the Mayans and Aztecs - used the Sun and Moon for a number of solar system related stuff, and some even praised them. The Strange Souvenir does give off a South American/tribal vibe, too. Italy, too, are renowned for sciences - especially with scientists such as Galileo looking up to the Sun and Moon to find new planets and so on. Not only that, in relation to the real world, it isn't too Farfetch'd that we could return to France (Kalos) from these locations: the only thing between France and South America is a small puddle called the Atlantic Ocean (which AZ could have crossed on his travels I'm sure), and France is directly in contact with Italy, being divided by the Alps. Though still unconfirmed, and even if it's fake, this has me more excited for tomorrow's event!
  4. Gold Mega Man amiibo confirmed: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/mega-man-legacy-collection-comes-to-3ds-with-gold-/1100-6435031/ What are the chances we'll see some gold variants for some Pokémon, considering this year is the 20th Anniversary?
  5. Figured it was worth posting here. The actor portraying a young Cyclops in the upcoming X-Men Apocalypse film, Tye Sheridan, has been cast as the lead (Wade Owen Watts/Parzival) for Spielberg's rendition of Ready Player One.
  6. I hate to admit that that made me chuckle. And wow guys. WOW. Thanks for the strange cocktail of support and jokes (I guess?)? I now feel initiated.
  7. REALLY hoping for an NX first party launch lineup of Zelda, Mario and Metroid. NINTENDO BRING BACK YOUR TRINITY
  8. Personally, if Chris Pratt doesn't get to be a Young Indy then I can see him joining up for the Uncharted film, as Drake. The investment of course depends on this year's live action films of games though - Warcraft and Assassin's Creed. Fingers crossed.
  9. I too have a backlog. A MASSIVE BACKLOG. Fire Emblem - anything Fire Emblem on 3DS or VC Pokémon White 2 Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon Bunch of Zelda games - Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Link Between Worlds and anything VC for the 3DS Smash Bros for 3DS A few Mario games here and there And that's just Nintendo...
  10. I have a feeling they'll open up with a load of 20th Anniversary celebratory stuff, like a quick retrospective of the 20 years, followed by previously announced games (plus one last chance to market the rerelease of the originals for VC of course) before moving onto the main event. I'm guessing the former will last two or three minutes. I'm going to freak out if we finally do get some new game info (especially seeing as they've at least hinted it won't be Z specifically)
  11. Nice camera! A Neistat classic...thinking of picking up the G7X in the coming months (might be uploading some stuff to YouTube), may be going to Asia for a month!
  12. On a completely unrelated note - http://bgr.com/2016/02/23/nintendo-nx-release-date-vs-vr-headsets/ How can people actually think VR is going to outdo a dedicated console? Especially this year?
  13. Well that's great to hear man and well, who knows, maybe your (insert female Pokémon protagonist) is waiting for you at one of these events! All the best man - and I'm loving the look of Serebii right now! Also, thanks for the support @Animal! But I mean...how do I get around to asking her out? What do I do? What do I say? I guess my own downfall here is that I haven't been in a relationship before, so as for getting into one...
  14. I'm new to the forums and don't think we've ever crossed paths on here before. But man, from what I'm reading you are not only a great guy, but clearly a strong one too, even in a situation like this. That takes a hell of a lot in a world like this, and it's an honour to be besides you on these forums. I'm not saying that as a fellow keyboard warrior. I'm saying that as a fellow human. Much love MadDog!
  15. Way to go man! What I meant exactly though, as opposed to weight loss (which is GREAT) is regular exercise on stuff. I find that the positive glow after exercise gives a great boost in confidence, and you could even do it whilst running the site? On a similar note, I'm not sure if anyone's presented this idea to you yet. But if you've thought of covering Nationals (talking about Pokémon here; for the uninitiated, I am NOT talking about horses), I'm not sure if you already go, but that would be a great place to meet new people with similar interests, whilst being able to do some coverage for the site and have a great time with fellow Pokémon fans? Also, if you're ever likely to meet a girl who's into Pokémon and all that entails (it brings a lot of geekdom with it - something to be proud of), who better to win her over at an event such as that than Mr Pokémon himself?
  16. The Star Wars Special Editions. George, what the #%*! were you thinking! (Still a good watch though, just detracts from some of the experience). I recently made a few purchases for my PS4, those being Battlefield 4 and Arkham Knight. BF4 SUCKS (I love Battlefront, but EA you haven't helped yourself here) and I figured Arkham Knight would be great due to the overwhelming positivity. Okay, I'm only 5% in...but it hasn't done anything to pull me back. not even being Batman
  17. I'll have you know that Pokémon Link is by far and away the best handheld spinoff But in all seriousness, I'd put the Rescue Team/Mystery Dungeon series at least on par with the Ranger series (and that's saying something - I love almost everything about that series). So if the game ever irks you to the point of a trade-in, pick up one of the aforementioned! I had a friend who used to try and help me on Ranger who used their finger as opposed to a stylus. NOPE
  18. Play it a bit longer - takes a good while to immerse yourself (though I've yet to play SMD, but that's been the case in the last few games). If you still don't like it after that, I'd trade it in and purchase both Blue Rescue Team and Myster Dungeon Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky (though Sky is certainly the best of those three). Cannot recommend those games enough. Perhaps the best storylines of any Pokémon game..?
  19. what the Don Cheadle, I actually managed to find this place Hello mi amigos, I'm 17 now and living in the UK, and my life's got a bit hectic (okay...might be a slight understatement). To make it even worse I've been ill for the past week and a half, so please bare with me. Where do I begin? I'm 17...so according to 70% of mankind my opinion isn't yet valid and I can't have any idea as to what "love" is. When I was 12, I started talking to this girl who went to my high school (aka the biggest regret of my life). She...had a lot of stuff going on, but I helped her through it. I genuinely cared for her, and she seemed to reciprocate that - to an extent. I don't know if I fell for her, but heck, if I had a "One"...I think she was that. And well, this is it. We talked for ages, up until like October of last year. And I just stopped talking to her. A lot went on (and a lot didn't) between us, but I finally cracked and decided I needed to move on. which of course resulted in my blocking of her numbers, blocking and unfollowing her on multiple social media platforms, etc Historically I'm a quiet guy, but I've come out of my shell in recent years, no doubt a mixture of growing up, changing who I am and focusing on some of the things that matter. (@Serebii, this probably seems cliché, but fitness - and results with fitness - can really be a massive confidence boost; back to this) I'm a hell of a romantic. But I just can't ask girls out. This one girl that I sit next to in my physics (going to sound like I'm in Key Stage 1 now) is not only attractive, but we have a lot in common: such as a love for great films (Star Wars, the MCU), great literature (comics...okay admittedly I'm the bigger reader here, I love books), and a great love for American sitcoms (aka Friends and HIMYM, come on kids, cult classics). Any tips here? I know, practice makes perfect...
  20. Hardly a bargain by any stretch of the imagination, but the next wave of Nintendo Selects: Animal Crossing: City Folk Donkey Kong Country Returns Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Mario Party: Island Tour NES Remix Pack Pikmin 3 Super Mario All-Stars Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Mario 3D World The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Yoshi’s New Island These will retail at release for $29.99, but I'd leave getting any until after E3. They tend to go down a LOT three months after release. A bunch of amiibo on offer at ShopTo, including only £6.86 for Mewtwo and £7.86 for a few other variants. http://www.shopto.net/search/?platform=&newsearch=Amiibo
  21. Pretty much it (http://www.nintendo-insider.com/2016/02/nintendo-3ds-system-update-10-6-0-31-now-available/) For anyone interested in more possible info on the NX, the YouTube account of the guy who brought us the above information on Neogaf is SuperMetaldave64. Guy's been covering the backend of Nintendo stuff for a few months now, even featured on the Metro website believe it or not! NX has to be the end of this year, right? Pokémon "Niji" has me über intrigued...shouldn't have to wait too long for some news on this (I hope). Also get the feeling N-Stars could be an amiibo version of Skylanders or Disney Infinity, but I could be wrong.
  22. what the Don Cheadle, we have one of those?! Great, great, great show guys. I was engaged 100% of the time! @Kaepora_Gaebora you have a great on-screen presence, great job man! So glad to see @Serebii feature too, he was clearly a bit nervous to begin with (I know I would have been too, so no shame man!) but man, when he started talking Pokémon...he lit up. Love what's he's done with Serebii.net the last few months too! Perhaps you could do a Pokémon 20th Anniversary Special considering that it's the 20th Anniversary this weekend..? (Or do a separate top 10-like video about your favourite main series Pokémon games, or perhaps even your favourite moments in RBY?) Whatever you choose to do, great, great work, keep it up! Also, I'd happily have some things to say about the NX!
  24. If you look carefully at the left and right shoulders of said black suit, there seems to be a V-shape. Nightwing anyone? And what about that half face covering mask behind them?
  25. First post on this thread, so, here's what I think of what we've seen: Trailer 1 - awesome. Probably one of (I cried at every Star Wars trailer) the best 2015 trailers, if not the best. (If not for Star Wars) Trailer 2 - you really had me up just after the two minute mark. Way to go wreck dreams, WB. Trailer 3 - best trailer so far, loved the music, loving a lot of what I've seen from DCEU so far. Everyone seem the image of Zack Snyder and Aquaman from earlier today I assume? (Confirming pre-filming is well under way)
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