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Everything posted by Julius

  1. Well, what we have is rather inconclusive. However, the more I look at it the more I see Hawaii: 1) the number plates having rainbows (look closely at the plates of the truck https://m.imgur.com/account/GamingNews101/images/RA2sChC )... http://www.15q.net/hi.html 2) that lady in XY talked of somewhere in the world where a waterfall flows backwards. I believe she could be referencing Waipuhia Falls, in Oahu, Hawaii. http://onlyinhawaii.org/upside-waterfall-oahu-hawaii/ 3) the Strange Souvenir. Though many had it vetted as relating to Rayquaza (Hoenn would fit the description of a far off land), it doesn't look a thing like Rayquaza and could easily be in reference to Hawaiian Tiki masks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiki 4) looking now at the vehicles, a quick search for "Hawaiian ambulances" and "Hawaiian fire trucks" shows that the art shown is very similar to the real-life versions in Hawaii.
  2. Better than nothing, and we'll have more soon I'm sure. It looks like Machamp, Furfrou and Wobbufett in the back of the truck.
  3. Some are thinking as far as an abolition of EVs and IVs. It would certainly open the door for many more competitive battlers (and we'd all have the same if not very similar tools then, and it will be down to skill and our "friendship" stuff introduced in XY which I haven't looked into since). As for legendary Pokémon...we only got three new ones upon release at the start of the last (?) generation. Shouldn't be too hard to have more than that. Looking at it again, that hotel could be a Water type gym, and as opposed to the Gen VI notion of standalone gyms, we could return to the Gen V notion of doubling a place of interest up as a gym. I mean, a Horsea water fountain, a Horsea flag, paintings of Spheal, Staryu, Chinchou, and then a painting of Horsea (from left to right). On the right of the building behind the tree you can make out what look to be pincers, Krabby perhaps? If this is indeed the case, I'd have to assume that this gym would be rather early in the game due to no evolved Water types being evident. Thoughts?
  4. Thanks for the greetings! Yeah, that was grasping at straws. From the looks of things and the unsubstantial amount of evidence, I'm getting a Hawaiian or Chinese vibe. Hopefully here to stay!
  5. Yep, it's called CoroCoro. My immediate thoughts were: 1) Officer Jenny in-game? The International Police (Looker)? 2) Surely they'll help out either against the evil team or limiting the damage they do. @Serebii, do you think it's possible that the New 3DS exclusive feature will be changing the camera angle (as in the 3DS remaster of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) through use of the console exclusive C-stick?
  6. Well, considering he's got this and a Disney game right, I'd assume he managed to keep opinion out of it. NX AND SUN/MOON HYPE MY PUG-PICTURED FRIEND
  7. No, I'm sure it was the same guy. He talked about marketing for the Wii U in reference to Zelda remember?
  9. Well, it's arguable that Gen I needed this to happen, and that Gen II was remade in Gen IV and Pokémon could be transferred through the generations from there. However, as we all are aware, the Gen I games were remade too, in Gen III. And I want this to happen. let it happen for the children? The Gold/Silver remakes being Heart Gold and Soul Silver can have Pokémon transferred through the generations (from Gen IV to Gen V using the PokéTransfer Lab, and then from any Gen V title can be transferred to Bank). So no, you can't directly transfer from Gen IV to Bank, but it's possible to do in less than ten minutes with the right tools (the games and two DS systems of any variant).
  10. Extremely excited to purchase all of these tomorrow. Aiming to complete the Dex in all three, complete White 2, and get into the competitive scene by the end of the year (my 20th Anniversary resolution) Games that can transport only to Bank are the new VC titles (Red, Blue and Yellow) and the Gen V games (Black, White, Black 2 and White 2). Note that the former will be unable to transfer to the system until the update for Moon and Sun is rolled out. Games that can currently transport to and from Bank are the Gen VI games (X, Y, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire), and the newly announced Gen VII titles (Sun and Moon) should be included in this list too.
  11. Clicked "forum" tab up top and got redirected to a black page with HostGator branding, and in the left corner it says "Webmaster please contact HostGator.com"? I can access the forums from thread-to-thread though... EDIT: ...aaaaaaand it's gone. Please ignore this!
  12. RBY VC incompatible with XYORAS. Looking more and more like this is Gen VII people... http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-bank/#pokemon-sun-pokemon-moon Aaaaaaaand it's gone quiet again?
  13. Haha, after that announcement I'm buying all three. Time to complete the Kanto part of the Pokédex (all fingers crossed for eventual GSC VC)
  14. No problem I think he has every right to be; http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-sun-and-pokemon-moon/ "New world, new Pokémon and new adventures". From the art it even feels like a different gen (especially with the introduction of emergency services, what look like motels/resorts and Pokémon centre redesigns)
  15. I'd be honoured. Go for it!
  16. I've managed to upload a bunch of screenshots from the Direct. This is for you guys! https://m.imgur.com/gallery/qnpLY
  17. Indeed. If you look at the Sun logo, it's a compass style sundial (heavily features classical pointed sundial look). The moon logo is a crescent moon cut out of a crescent moon (albeit in the most unnatural of shapes). @Serebii I was just thinking about that, though just quite what they could do I'm not sure.
  18. Well technically I think Serebii will be covering the news that we're getting (also @Serebii great job today, I'm sure it's been hectic; doubt that'll be tamed in the next twenty four hours or so), but I get what you mean (though they don't usually go BIG on Pokémon at E3, especially seeing as they're gearing up for an NX announcement). What exactly does everyone expect/want to see tomorrow, specifically concerning the new games? I'd like a bit of footage, the cover Pokémon and the starters.
  19. Surprised at how quiet this thread is... I'm just going to leave a theory here (the backpacker being the one in XY that gives you the Strange Souvenir): Been trying to look up everything the backpacker says, but to no avail. I'm caught on one thing he says though (other than a great facility (I don't think he ever mentions battle, we just assumed) and him being from a region other than Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, or Unova (or Kalos, as it's implied he's visiting). Our Champion really is something else, I tell you. Ah never mind. You'll find out in due time. The first part got me thinking, and thinking, and thinking..."our Champion really is something else". Hate to speculate, but, this was an NPC included by GF that hinted at some unknown region (completely going off from Sun and Moon for a moment here). We know this guy travelled a lot, so at this point I'm just assuming the Strange Souvenir was something he got on his travels - it makes no sense to pick up a souvenir from your home region if you're travelling all the time. It could certainly be to do with Rayquaza. But the region is something else, and so is their Champion. It's only stated that the Strange Souvenir is from far away (Hoenn), not that he is. So I expect strong. Like a crazy strong Champion from what he says. Who's the strongest trainer in the Pokémon games? Red. The timeline is a bit of a mess right now, but we can all agree that X and Y takes place after the events concerning Red in Kanto. A trainer as strong as this one is implied to be surely must have travelled far and wide, and remember, the player character becomes the Champion but cannot stay at the Pokémon League to fulfil duties as one. As in: what if Red is still travelling? He, like us and our player characters, could be the Champion of a region we haven't yet visited, but like us, continued his journey. What I'm getting at, is that it's the 20th Anniversary this year. They did it in Johto as they thought that was where the journey ended at that point, and so it made sense to end battling the trainer we essentially created. Wouldn't it be great to see an older Red? The last time we saw him was BW2 at the Pokémon Tournament (and remember, he still hasn't aged...or changed clothes; he's clearly constantly travelling).
  20. I'm with @Serebii (though I'm not exactly sure where he stands right now) on this one. Though the time period is about right for the start of Gen VII, there are still slots for two possible games in Gen VI, and they still have a bit to wrap up in regards to the overall story there. This clearly isn't going to be a direct Kalos sequel, a la Z or Emerald Z or whatever. Sun and Moon. It can still, and I think will, link into the overarching story we've had this generation. At this stage I think this does mean new Pokémon (they aren't putting Solrock and Lunatone on the covers...), but just how many I'm not so sure. A Spanish region linking to Kalos via the unseen Southern Kalos seems pretty likely, especially considering how high they hold their beliefs in such things to this date. New generations normally come with new consoles, the only exception here being Gen V, but that clearly optimised what could be done with a DS. I feel that's what will be done here.
  21. You people are strange. I give up. just kidding
  22. If all we get tomorrow are the names and the logos I am going to be €$¥#ed. I cannot wait for tomorrow. 17, feeling 5. EDIT: talk of the town is, if it has anything to do with Norse mythology, it'll be these two on the covers; http://norse-mythology.org/skoll-hati/
  23. I mentioned the Anistar Sundial on your forums. Probably not related to Pokémon Sun and Moon, but still...it is a giant crystalline structure as opposed to the standard stone sundials we see. Am I right in assuming that you're of a similar belief to me, in that whatever the next games (be it Sun, Moon, Night, Day, whatever) turn out to be, that they will end Gen VI as opposed to starting Gen VII?
  24. I've missed a lot of the XYZ anime. Any other bits like this I've missed out on? Whilst we're on the topic, the Sun and Moon can also be partnered with Life and Death in many mythologies around the world. On an interesting note, there are both Sun and Moon wolves in Norse Mythology, which X and Y Legendaries seem to have taken quite a bit of inspiration from. If we are getting these games, I kind of expect the Sun and Moon Pokémon to be pretty strong. Anyone got ideas on typing?
  25. In the event this does turn out to be that these games are legit, it's still unknown as to whether or not they'll finish Gen VI or start VII (though I think finishing VI makes a lot more sense). Also, assuming these are the games, then that "leaked list" is certainly fake. I'm hoping we're still in Gen VI (Gen VII makes no sense at this point), and have a number of theories. For example, the lighter colours prominent on Zygarde's perfect form - orange and a lighter blue - could be an indication that they are somehow connected. If Zygarde is protecting the ecosystem, that ecosystem depends on the Sun and Moon (the day and night cycle), as well as life (Xerneas) and death (Yveltal). Though, I'd expect a Sun and Moon Pokémon to be stronger. Onto the region. We still have no idea how the Strange Souvenir is connected to anything - in fact talk of it has died down. But many South American civilisations - such as the Mayans and Aztecs - used the Sun and Moon for a number of solar system related stuff, and some even praised them. The Strange Souvenir does give off a South American/tribal vibe, too. Italy, too, are renowned for sciences - especially with scientists such as Galileo looking up to the Sun and Moon to find new planets and so on. Not only that, in relation to the real world, it isn't too Farfetch'd that we could return to France (Kalos) from these locations: the only thing between France and South America is a small puddle called the Atlantic Ocean (which AZ could have crossed on his travels I'm sure), and France is directly in contact with Italy, being divided by the Alps. Though still unconfirmed, and even if it's fake, this has me more excited for tomorrow's event!
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