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Everything posted by Julius

  1. That prediction seems to make more sense. I'm really hoping the console releases Q4 this year...shouldn't have to wait too long until we get some solid info.
  2. Agreed. I'm hoping they do something similar to what Sony did with the PS4, showing off the controller and graphics in a Direct (appeals to fans like you and I and the press) and then let loose with games and the console at E3. Sales figures have been dismal. Though, we've had 3DS and variants of it since 2010. If the NX releases this year, do you think the next handheld will next year?
  3. It seems more likely that they'll do something similar to Sony and how they handled the PS4. Cover the controller and graphics in a Direct (appealing to the die-hard and the press, but still not at all to the general populace), and reveal games and the console at E3 (everyone will hear about it, especially if they get EA's Monday spot).
  4. do not get me started on the terrible naming habits of Nintendo What are everyone's stances on the NX reveal? Will we get something before E3, or are they saving it for then? And will it be released this year? I personally think they've got a lot to cover at their next Direct (including Miitomo and My Nintendo), and a lot of people are saying that they wouldn't make a reveal at a Direct. Pokémon used to make its big reveals either in a leaked magazine or on a Japanese TV Show... I agree wholeheartedly. There's always been something...gimmicky about new Nintendo consoles. They always have something unexpected. I expect some motion control to be added in, but I don't expect the system to rely on it. From what we've heard all I can imagine being the off thing this time is the compatibility between the consoles and peripherals, and possibly another screen on the controller? Please Nintendo...make this console great.
  5. I'm pretty confident he was joking (besides, this is probably only a code name). Huh, never thought of it being the Nintendo 10. I actually quite like that idea (also Nintendo historically suck at names, I mean the NEW 3DS?! The Wii U? No wonder sales have gone down...) Yeah, I'll take that even if it's only because I like Jake from AT
  6. Aren't pitches handled by the marketing boffins? Who represent the gaming division of a third party game designer? (This post got more complex than I expected it to) Oh yeah, I agree wholeheartedly (I even say in my post that "I don't at all see this happening"). If the NX is a home console, by the time it's out with a compatible Pokémon game, I see Gen VI being finished. I agree that portability is a massive aspect of Pokémon, though this could be amended to some extent (how far an extent I'm not sure) through the use of the new My Nintendo account system and Pokémon Bank (which they clearly seem keen on keeping around for the next few generations, at the very least). Speaking of, what are your thoughts on the apparent news of Pokémon "Rainbow"? I know we've all been expecting a game, but in every representation of this info it slates it specifically as a "20th Anniversary Pokémon game", something I'm surprised they aren't attaching to the multiple original/re- releases of Pokémon games this year. So yeah, thoughts Mr Serebii?
  7. Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this (sounds like a fun thing to put forward). We've seen Zelda Wii U (IT BETTER BE RELEASED THIS YEAR) and what it's capable of, and with the NX reportedly being open to use of the Unity and Unreal 4 engines, an open world RPG Pokémon game would sell like nuts. Seriously, if there's one thing that's certain to shift units, it's Pokémon (look at the DS and 3DS for example). Not to mention that with Pokémon Bank, we could easily transfer Pokémon to and from other compatible games. Though I don't at all see this happening. What I see happening is Zelda, Metroid and Mario at launch. On a somewhat related note, a lot of "rumours" from "inside sources" on the NX and its launch titles, as well as the remaining first party titles for the 3DS and Wii U, coming in in the last 24 hours or so. Surely Nintendo don't plan on waiting it out until E3 at this point?
  8. Recent "rumours" from "Nintendo insiders" seem to be pointing towards a lack of support for the second half of 2016 when it comes to the Wii U - and the only known title in the second half is being assumed as such, which is the new Legend of Zelda Wii U game. Kav82, I agree that it gives it credence. Though, is it possible that Nintendo will continue their tradition of backwards compatibility by releasing it for the Wii U, then having it playable on the NX? I mean, assuming it releases this year (Holiday 2016 seems about right for a new console release), having a new version of an already released game might send Wii U owners over the edge.
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