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Everything posted by Julius

  1. The PlayStation Direct pages (US) for the Launch Edition and Ultimate Edition have gone up, revealing that Miles Morales will require a minimum of 50GB, and the Ultimate Edition (which includes the Spidey PS4 remaster) will require a minimum of 105GB.
  2. Yeah, this is going to be my first From game and I cannot wait. Maybe it ends up bouncing off me, but I'm more than willing to give things a go outside of my wheelhouse and try new things! I think a big part of that will be the loading times and how quickly you can get back into the game, I've seen one or two streams of the Souls games and I feel like cutting down on those load times should mitigate a lot of the concerns I had about how quickly I get back to playing after dying, how quickly I can get back to where I was to reclaim souls, etc. Speaking of which, loading comparison with the original game: Insane what a difference a couple of gens, an SSD, and Bluepoint can make! Also, the minimum file size and number of network players has been spotted on the PlayStation Direct site. Just looked it up and the maximum number of network players in the original was 4, so that's neat!
  3. I doubt I'll get it (too many games to keep up with these days!), but I really liked the art style and look of the world. I remember reading @Glen-i's thoughts about the first game on better when he played it, so glad he's getting another one! And also nice to see Capcom's strong support continue for the Switch, between this and Rise looks like Monster Hunter fans are going to be kept very busy next year!
  4. Agreed that that's a good move by Xbox if that's going to be the case. The biggest problem with the PS5 was PlayStation not being clear at the end of the event what was happening, then waiting on a tweet to confirm pre-orders going live the following day - and I think that's what caused the main issue, one retailer in one country popping them up at midnight and another in another country probably running with it. It was pure chaos, and while I was really lucky to get a pre-order in long before the ensuing chaos through checking GAME on the off chance they'd gone live an hour or so after the Showcase, I wouldn't wish that stress on anyone here. Got to commend Xbox for setting a time and date well in advance (only issue with it is scalpers, but as we saw with the PS5 going live randomly, it doesn't deter them much), and it seems like they're doing everything they can to enforce it. It's hard to gauge where pre-orders are going to be at for Xbox on Tuesday, for so many reasons, but I still imagine websites will be crashing and retailers will be selling out. So, I just wanted to share some of the tips I picked up from getting my PS5 pre-order in (and subsequently helping friends get some long after pre-orders had gone up) with those hoping to get an Xbox pre-order in on Tuesday. SHORT LIST OF PRE-ORDER TIPS For ShopTo and SimplyGames in particular (they did things a little differently) - if pre-ordering through ShopTo, register interest beforehand. This gives you a spot in the queue for the console already, and while that doesn't guarantee a launch day arrival, it's probably going to be the least stressful way to secure one. Instead of pre-ordering directly from the console page you instead just visit the pre-order page on your account, and confirm that you still want the pre-order. You'll have up to a week to confirm it. Of course, still keep an eye out for when they go live - it's not going to hurt your chances of it arriving on launch day if you confirm it ASAP! NOTE: £0.01 charge to register interest, which is added to your ShopTo account credit - it's mainly so they already have your payment method of choice ready for you to confirm your order. - if SimplyGames handles this anything like they did the PS5, if you've registed interest they'll send out an email when pre-orders go live with an exclusive access page which cannot be shared - they held stock (albeit in bundles) for those who had registed. Get an account with them, register interest, and the link in the email will take you to that exclusive access page once you have logged in. General advice - follow @IGNUKDeals and @jelly_deals on Twitter and be sure to turn all notifications on (if you have particular retailers in mind for your order, do the same for their Twitter accounts too). They were completely on top of the game with letting people know when and where the PS5 pre-orders were up the other day, and did a great job at getting that info out there within minutes. - be ready to go at 07:30. Even if threatened with an embargo, I think it's inevitable that somewhere is going to break that 08:00 pre-order time. One retailer going live is what caused the floodgates to open with the PS5, so just be ready! - BIGGEST TIP: don't be afraid to checkout as a guest; in fact, it's probably going to be faster. If you have particular retailers in mind, almost everyone will be signing up to have an account so that they have their payment and address details already on the account. My experience with this the other day was that signing in to checkout wouldn't load due to high traffic, but checking out as a guest loaded almost immediately. In case you need to do this, just have your details ready to auto-fill. Must major retailers are going to be understanding and happy for you to associate an order made as a guest with your actual account. - don't stress out! Easier said than done when racing to do something like this, but most retailers will make more stock available to pre-order in the coming hours, days, and weeks after this initial wave of pre-orders on Tuesday. Keep some water or tea close by, you don't know how long you might be waiting for a pre-order to go through. If you don't manage to get one in, just keep your ear close to the ground for when they go back up. Several retailers with the PS5 went live, sold out, and the a few hours later went live with another round. Just be ready! - this one is for after you have a pre-order and depends largely on how you like to do things, but making a folder specifically for holding the emails detailing your pre-orders (console, games, accessories) for next gen has helped me to easily check the details of my order (for instance, some GAME pre-orders for the PS5 came without an order, so I could just very quickly check if mine did by checking the folder)
  5. A bit more on what the remaster of the first game will bring, and what is included. Putting the work in over at Insomniac! Two new games and a fully featured remaster just two years after release, what a great acquisition they've been. Still of course hope that the option to upgrade a PS4 copy to have the PS5 upgrade will come down the line, though if we do get something like that I imagine we won't get it until the Ultimate Edition dies down a bit. It being a remaster doesn't exactly quell my fears that all of their big hits are going to receive remasters and be sold to is again. At least not being able to play PS3 games on the PS4 could somewhat justify them last gen. Makes me question what other games we're going to see this sort of thing with. TLOU2 PS5 upgrade first/exclusively available with Factions Ultimate Edition, if that becomes a full game? God of War with Ragnarok? Horizon Zero Dawn with Horizon Forbidden West? I've been holding off on returning to some of these to play with the PS5 upgrades, so while it would be cool to still play it through BC and at least get Pro-like performance, definitely a seed of doubt over how exactly this is all going to pan out now. Guess time will tell
  6. Just finished catching up on Episode 3 of Night City Wire, which focused mainly in Night City and it's gangs. Game still looks incredible, really excited for it! So close! However, with it launching the same date as the PS5, Miles Morales, and Demon's Souls, I'm not sure if I'll actually get to playing it on Day 1. Part of me wants to hold out for the PS5 upgrade next year before playing...but the other part knows that's more a logical decision than the one I'll end up going with, which is picking it up and playing it before then How's everyone else feeling about the game right now, about two months out? Anyone planning on giving this priority over other titles launching around the same time, or having problems figuring out when to play it like I am? It's funny because it feels like we've seen so much but it's still so little. I think the main thing I'm concerned about right now would be the melee, it looks quite sluggish from what we've seen so far. The previews removed my fears about the gunplay, though, and most of all I just want to sink my teeth into this world. I bounced right off of The Witcher 3 (I'm sure I'll give it another go someday, the free next gen upgrade is certainly enticing!) but this looks so much more up my alley, only two months to go!
  7. Looks like I spoke 5 minutes too soon!
  8. Still waiting on both my ShopTo and SimplyGames copies, haven't seen the postman out my window while working today (I've seen him every day this week so far) so no I have no idea what's going on both despatched yesterday morning too, weird... But oh well! Still looking forward to digging into these games for the first time for sure, got to start with 64 hopefully be here in the morning and I can crack on with getting some Stars tomorrow!
  9. Don't think this has been mentioned yet, but Jim Ryan's interview with The Washington Post had him saying that "99 percent" of PS4 titles will be playable on the PS5. Have to imagine it's only going to be weird cases, such as P.T., that miss out.
  10. From his Instagram: Haven't played any of his games, but have watched him in a number of interviews and listened to a few older podcasts he's been on, and of course seen him presenting updates on Beyond Good & Evil 2 at E3's not too long ago. Seems a very passionate and hardworking guy, and has obviously had a very storied career in the industry with Ubisoft. 30 years of service from when he was just 18!
  11. So from what I'm reading, at launch, that will be the only way to play the PS5 updated version of Spider-Man (2018). I imagine a patch will be coming down the line (got to justify that Ultimate Edition somehow), but still, they're marketing it as being a "remaster" though, so I'm not totally sure. Not being able to play the PS4 copy people already have on their PS5 with the new updates rubs me the wrong way a little. I'm planning on going through the first game on PS4 again soon anyways, so doesn't impact my plans really, but still
  12. I actually found myself hovering over Sackboy, but decided against it for now, just because I don't know when I'd end up actually playing it with so much I already want to play at launch. Also just saw the price for Destruction AllStars is £70?! That seems super high!
  13. Got my pre-orders in for Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Demon's Souls with ShopTo as well earlier today, so other than keeping an eye out for Cyberpunk 2077, my launch day pre-ordering is all done!
  14. Yeah, I'm getting a few. Besides the extra DualSense, I'm getting the charging stand, media remote, and headset. So everything besides the camera
  15. @Cookyman for your ShopTo pre-order, just a heads-up, just need to go into 'Pre-Orders' on your account and you just need to confirm it. Think you have until 24/09 to do so? Seems like ShopTo has done a good job if that's the case, though they do say it doesn't guarantee stock on Day 1... Will be sticking with GAME myself I think just to be on the safe side
  16. I mean, worth noting that this is a PR/marketing guy, and the very same one who said there'd be plenty of notice about pre-orders going live. That's a load of marketing fluff I've seen more complaints about that, and rightly so, in my opinion. "pre-orders will go live tomorrow" not being shown at the end of the Showcase, retailers having pre-orders going up only an hour after the Showcase, and people waking up to it being sold out. That and the lack of clarity on what would be there at launch during the Showcase was so weird to me. Biggest missteps for me of their marketing campaign. Like I've mentioned before, PlayStation's marketing of these games coming to PS4 (or rather, lack thereof?) is what makes this strike differently, at least to me, when compared with Xbox, even if it is essentially the same thing. They didn't mention it during the Showcase or before this for that very reason, so perhaps it is disingenuous to an extent, but let's not pretend that first party experiences already available on PS4 and Pro weren't already of the highest calibre, and with consistent hit after hit. This will just be the best way to play them. Remember, Sony has much more riding on PlayStation than Microsoft does Xbox, and those 112.1 million PS4's in the wild not getting support of some kind would be leaving money on the table. Guess we have reason to doubt being able to ride mechanical dinos in Horizon now though, as Guerrilla mentioned it wouldn't be possible on PS4, which is my biggest takeaway from this. I was hyped for that possibility!
  17. Yeah it's a weird one. Think news outlets are probably running with it a bit far, just as they did with Xbox (which was a weird one too, but here 'eroding trust' seems a little OTT to me - if anything you've just got people holding back on picking up a PS5), but hey, they've got to make a living, and all the points it raises are true. Just feels like pouring fuel onto a conversation I think most are tired of by this point, but oh well Secured the Charging Stand from ShopTo, so I am good to go on the hardware side of things! Now just got to wait for the games to drop
  18. GAME's online stock allocation is gone...
  19. Digital Edition already sold out on Amazon! Holy smokes!
  20. Heck yeah!
  21. Looks like it's already having issues on the app not giving the option to add to basket, but seems to be working on desktop/desktop mode
  22. @Eddage DE up at Amazon, go! Direct link. Looks like it's working on mobile atm too, but any issues might be worth checking it out on desktop!
  23. Working atm But yeah, that's a solid return for them! between S2 of Mando and Squadrons, October has shaped up to be a really nice month for Star Wars fans. Can't wait!
  24. Live at Curry's but the site is seriously struggling, if anyone wants to give that a shot. From what I can see Amazon UK is saying that they will restock. Argos opening pre-orders on Friday (tomorrow).
  25. Also @Eddage ShopTo have updated their images for the consoles and are now showing the full price for both consoles next to the £0.01, but it is showing as 'Pre-Order' and not 'Register Interest' despite this. This was in the last 15 minutes or so from what I can tell, so might be worth keeping an eye on it, or seeing if you can already secure it! Link for Digital Edition. EDIT: Welp. Looks like they might be back down. EDIT 2: Looks like they've changed the wording back to it registering interest. But worth keeping an eye on!
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