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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. So you have to move your thumb over several raised keys and it's... smoother? Ah, my Xperia Z2 does that, but sometimes I prefer not to use it as to not sully my typing skillz.
  2. Considering the headline on the news channel is "Fans slept outside Apple Store overnight", the observation that he has waited ages seems rather accurate. As such his pride is implied with a heavy degree of accuracy. Whilst I'll admit it's not as funny as I thought it would be, I think you're reading too much into it.
  3. They look like shit. That is ll.
  4. How are people doing their weapons? Personally I simply go for the weapon with the highest number and if there's a tie, whichever has the sexiest effect. All the low level crap I keep getting I just keep fusing with each other to keep the numbers down.
  5. Dem tits, right? How does the Skultula thing work? I went to where it said one would be and never saw it. I practically smacked the shit out of everything there and I still couldn't see it.
  6. http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/10119206/
  7. Same here. But to be honest I'm still waiting for that killer title to come out. I think I fucked things up royally with the Wii U and I don't wanna balls it up again. Especially since there are the same titles coming out for PS3.
  8. I just got my email for that. Got the dispatch email about 11 this morning.
  9. I cancelled my Prime. They lie about stuff arriving, or rather, the company they use for sending me stuff. Got sick for paying for a service which I would normally get for free from them. CALLED IT. TIME TO ENGAGE.
  10. But what happens when they face each other?! Probably a simple cancel-each-other-out. Boring.
  11. I'm sensing some discontent from you Animal. Anything you'd want to talk about?
  12. Couldn't resist. Had to have it.
  13. Was that the £40 thing from Ikea? I keep meaning to invest in that myself.
  14. If anyone remembers this pr0 game: Space Hulk. Apparently it's coming back, which is fucking awesome. Also noticed this lil beauty as well. And I say little but I mean "rather sizeable", as they have a normal skeleton for comparison. But for £65 it's a bit of a stretch... but wants...
  15. Play a demo as many times as you like?! How very generous of you Nintendo. And revolutionary as well.
  16. Before I even start reading that. I'm going to say - There's just no pleasing you is there when it comes to a job? Editing coming after the reading. EDIT: If you're going to bend over a take it with the unpaid overtime, then don't be surprised about how stressed you'll turn up. It's not showing to those around that shit can't get done in the time they've allowed for but apparently it can if you start working for free. Maybe give them an hour if you're feeling generous but apart from that don't bother. Also, start making notes on what your co-worker does. Make note of times he says he'll do something, how long it'll take him to do it, how long you see him doing something else. So just in case it does go further you can say something like, "check the CCTV at these times" or just show your findings. I had a similar problem (more slacking than an authority problem) as he kept going to the toilet for ten minutes at a time several times a day, as well as going outside for a cigarette (which I don't have a real problem with, but he feels it's wrong if I sit in the back for a couple of minutes in return). As soon as he knew what I was doing he toned down the messing around.
  17. S'weird compared to the original.
  18. Da shit woman? Waddaya do?
  19. After a week of new stock coming in and not being able to go out, the management have finally realized that: A] The warehouse for our department is shit and, B] Because of A we've been unable to do our job. So our lil posse got asked this morning after coming into work if we would go home right then (after being there for 2 hours) and come back and help work out the new stock on nights for the next four days. Because during a busy time of year where we order suplus of home/stationary supplies for new/returning students, it's obviously the perfect time to remerchandise the toy, sports, and car care sections.
  20. Normally yes, but I slammed it in there to separate it from the name of da 'mon.
  21. Someone we know in the Pokémon TCG world decided it would be a good idea to not only pose for this shot, but then make it his Facebook profile picture. Naturally the memes began on the TCG Trollfest Group we have on the Facebooks.
  22. And the worst...
  23. Trying to apply science to Pokémon... Bitches be trippin'.
  24. All it needs is a nice background and it'll be fine. Although they could try to look a little less Assassin's Creed about it.
  25. Taken from Citizens Advice Bureau site: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/work_e/work_time_off_work_e/holidays_and_holiday_pay.htm You can ask to take your holiday whenever you choose, as long as you give your employer the right notice and take into account certain agreements between you and your employer. However, an employer has the right to refuse your request to take holiday, as long as they give you the right notice at the right time and take account of certain agreements between you. Your employer can refuse to let you take holiday. To do this they must give you notice equal to the holiday you want to take. So if you have asked to take two weeks’ holiday and have told your employer four weeks before the date you want your holiday to start, your employer must tell you two weeks before your holiday is due to start that you cannot take the holiday.
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