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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Well I thought it was damn awesome.
  2. Because I know
  3. But you were.
  4. Does it get into the action at a decent pace? Basically not Assassin's Creed III.
  5. Did some painting at work and needed to warn the management so they wouldn't get Dulux on their suits. It got taken down and my old wet paint sign was put back up. Can't imagine why.
  6. But in terms of security they are the same, they both cover your face from the CCTV. Except one is alright because it's got religious flava.
  7. Anyone who keeps closing their 3DS for long periods of time for anything except Streetpass stuff are freaks.
  8. Mine probably won't even leave the box for long. treating posters like this is terrible.
  9. Dat poster. Can't wait for people to be disappointed because it's actually folded.
  10. Make the noise yourself. Meant to simiulate some sort of the noise one would make when cumming.
  11. Mentioned first. Now I feel obliged to give that game a play. And welcome back!
  12. Traded in FIFA 15 and £7 for the pair. For some reason Grainger Games couldn't beat the CEX trade in price (which it normally does by a quid when brought to their attention) so they understood when I walked out.
  13. It's in the GAME in Nottingham, £50 I think.
  14. Sage wisdom. I might try that in other games, see if it works. I'll get back to you.
  15. It would probably go better in a french stick type crusty bread.
  16. After buying a weke bus pass for GameCity, Barton decide to shit on me (and others) by not sending buses. Sent a stern letter of complaint demanding monies for the taxi I had to take instead.
  17. Or brown sauce! Had a spare tortilla wrap once whilst eating bangers and mash so made a sausage and mash wrap. Was slightly soft.
  18. In part 2 yes, but part 1 could've been condensed into 30 minutes at the max.
  19. Deathly Hallows was probably the only book which didn't need splitting, on account of bugger all happening.
  20. I used to run toys down rails and bounce them off walls as a kid. Didn't know that constituted skateboarding. Would've gotten someone to film it.
  21. I am considering Mr. Bay, but I want to see if I can sell even downer on the down-low before seeing Edward.
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