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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. This battery offers up to 8 hours of use and can be easily installed using the included screwdriver and instructions. Wouldn't that fuck up your warranty?
  2. Is... is that all the game is?
  3. Still got my PS4 Minecraft sealed on a shelf. Not sure whether to open it or if the balls deep hype has gone, sell it. If anyone has heard of the Diamond Minecart guy. I knew him before he was famous.
  4. Oooh, sounds very The Last Story, even more complex.
  5. Noooo, I was referring to the message, not the characters.
  6. Over a certain age?! I assume the age you refer to is one day old.
  7. Da world has gone to shit if two week early release is hype.
  8. My coworkers stumbled onto Comedy Typhoon a few days ago and now they call me Dr. Man. Tis weird, I'm used to my other nickname (Sasquatch)
  9. Amazon have gone back up
  10. Don't buy any next time you go shopping, see if that helps. Or see if you can replace it with something else non-alcoholic, in case it's a case of you have to "drink" something at these times, it doesn't necessarily need to be b33r.
  11. I dunnae think so kid.
  12. Son, Bitch please. You owe ME birthday, Christmas and Father's Day presents.
  13. Today he decided to make an enemy of every person in the stock control department and beyond today by upsetting one of the nicest and most hard-working staff member we have. Bar myself. Myself and this other girl (let's call her Jess) are working on sorting out the warehouse, myself doing hardware upstairs and Jess doing health and beauty downstairs. We both get a lot of stock that our PDA's tell us is discontinued but is still current stock on the shelf. Jess spent 3 hours sorting through a shitload of stock yesterday as instructed by our manager and the manager of health and beauty. Matt (bell end TL) today just threw it all with the other actual discontinued stock, saying it's all discontinued (despite being told it can go out) and that she shouldn't do this (despite being told people above him have asked her to) and all the other managers are wrong and he is right. Pissing on all her hard work in the space of five minutes. Another team leader and myself kept telling her that if people above him have ordered something she should follow that and if Matt has a problem he can go speak to them, something which sadly she for some reason couldn't grasp, much to our frustration. Naturally she was very upset with the situation and did break down crying. Which has pissed off all of us and any thoughts that we could dislike him any less were immediately disproven. Hopefully he'll get his ass handed to him, because Jess and I can't be bothered to put up with his bullshit for much longer.
  14. No, I am your father.
  15. Lots of promotions at work wasn't it?
  16. I can feel a similar situation with Christmas working hours happening to myself soon. On our department we all got taken aside individually for our "Christmas Working Arrangements", everyone in the store has one, tisn't a big deal. Department Manager basically asks about normal shifts and if we can work X days (boxing, new year etc). I managed to get all mine booked off as Bank Holidays. Today our bell-end Team Leader* was asking all of us if we were working boxing day etc. Apparently our manager had booked us all off as Bank Holidays (signed papers and everything) and thought that "We'd settle it between ourselves"... If he's just booked us off for Christmas in a standard meeting, why would we discuss who was going to work when it no longer concerned us? *Who my girlfriend royally insulted at a coworkers house party. For many it was the first time they'd met her and instantly love her because he's such a prick. Depends. If you can do your gross misconduct and hand your notice in sooner, you won't get fired before you can get away. You'll be fine kiddo.
  17. Decided to stand my PS3 vertically to save time from moving other things around. Seems to have scratched some DVDs to fuck. Have flattened it down but scared to put in another DVD.
  18. This will all become redundant once Ocarina* ch00n shortcuts are available. *instrument flavour of the day
  19. No idea. Haven't played Shadow of The Colossus. But if the horse didn't dodge trees (which you said it didn't) I don't think I'd be reminded of it (which some of you somehow were) To be honest I'm a little with Daft, I've never seen this before in a game and it did "sound" like they were claiming it had never been done before. HOWEVER! I put that down to the absolutely cringeworthy dubbing. So smug it ruined it for me.
  20. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56009
  21. Which Epona did in Ocarina of Time. Except she then did some nice rearing up to take the piss even further.
  22. Since I couldn't see another Cliff Richard calendar at Tesco this year, my girlfriend pointed this out on Littlewoods' site: That's my brothers present sorted. (Naturally it's gonna have his name on it.)
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