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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Just finished watching Attack on Titan, really enjoyed it. So many questions. Not sure which to try next, got illusions of trying to cosplay as a member of the scout regiment.
  2. Same here really. I don't even think I'm that far into it. Just comes across as a modern day Assassin's Creed with hacking attached. And like the Hitman games you try to do it perfectly steathily but one thing doesn't happen (such as a guard failing to notice something when it's right next to them) or it takes too damn long so you just end up tearing everything down in a hail of bullets. Then when the cops get on you, it's straight into the river.
  3. Managed to bag myself a Marth and Wii Fit Trainer Amiibo yesterday. Which brings my total up to 3. Just wanna use the Trainer to unlock some weapons in Hyrule Warriors.
  4. This too, although it took me a little longer to get out of velcro. Damn thing was so convenient.
  5. A well made filmy thing, was just shit as a Power Rangers thing.
  6. I'm not sweating it at all. In fact he's going out of his way to avoid me more so than before. There was only him and I in today, were any of the others working he would've shouldered all the work onto them, because he "needed them to". Today he did everything himself and I did what I've been doing uninterrupted. It's fantastic. Didn't get the wages admin job though, but after I heard that someone else was going for the job who had done some temp work there once I knew I was screwed, still going to get some feedback though and basically tell them I'm going to have to look for work elsewhere.
  7. I love Airwalk, they seem to be the only trainers that can accompany my wide feet. Plus they're always cheaps at Sports Direct. And their umbrellas.
  8. How do you do that long distance slash attack?
  9. Doctor (who was rather fit) had a look and said the right gland was bigger than the left and there was some pus action going on. Steamy. So I got some of dat penicillin action I've heard all those good things about. With my current meds I'll be popping 12 pills a day, technically 13 but I skip one.
  10. I've been having some troubles with my throat over the past 5ish days. It's got that usual hurts-to-swallow when you have a regular sore throat, but it feels a little further back, and a little to the right, so could be my tonsils? Lozenges and the like aren't doing shit. The main concern is that it likes to get worse when I'm lying down, especially on my left side, it starts throbbing until I turn over again.
  11. I've been FAQ'ing the hell out of this game sometimes. Mainly for dungeon fairies as sometimes I can't be bothered to resort to the constant on/offing of the Great Fairy Mask. I've just started the Stone Tower and don't have several masks. Well, some without having to guide them.
  12. I haven't watched Eastenders for years, but I watched the end portion of the first "live" episode, although apparently it was only live when the hashtag was on the screen, dunno if that's true or not. And it was basically Ian moping around and then saying "I know you killed Lucy" without having done any detective work that I saw. How much investigation did he actually do? Second episode I was mainly thinking "that Lucy girl has a weird lanky boy body" and it was basically copying the first episode of Who Shot Mr. Burns, with all the characters milling about and some were angry and it was drawn out to boring lengths... THEN CAME THE KILLER TWIST. Too bad it was shit. It was mainly watched as a filler before Brooklyn Nine-Nine and then bridging the gap between Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Weekly Wipe.
  13. Probably, but that's not the issue (now it's my turn to grasp at straws). The issue is the timing.
  14. For this I play the unpaid break card.
  15. It seems my team leader/new nemesis Matt has tried to screw me over again. I get called into the interview room for an "informal chat", I thought I'd done something recently, but this was regarding something which happened over a year ago. During one break when we were all good pals the topic of hitting someone with one's underwear came to pass. From what I can recall - he said "you daren't". So a quick trip to the changing room resulted in him being hit with my boxers. Silly? Probably. Everyone took it in good humour? Most certainly. If there really was such an issue he could've brought it up at the time and I daresay I would've gotten into a bit more trouble. When I asked how this exactly came about I was told that during an hour-ish long conversation about why he hadn't progressed on the Options scheme (main reasons being he's bad at his job and most of the management don't actually like him) this incident was brought up, as if it was somehow relevant as to why he has been unable to progress in his career. Both my union rep and I have stated that it seems a little convenient that this is being brought up at the same time I have applied for another position in the store and appears to be grasping at straws trying to screw me over, over a year that the incident took place. It's weird, he seems to be avoiding me more than usual now.
  16. How did people manage to get the fairy in the main room of Snowhead Temple? I've just gotten it but curious as to how others managed it...
  17. Although I don't mind this steelbook as opposed to plastic case craze which is sweeping the nation, I prefer the game to be in either one or the other. The special edition coming with both is just silly. I'm going to make a mold of the pin badge so I can make copies and paint them. I already have a shitload of pin badge backs which I was going to use for a diffferent project. Takers for monies?
  18. I've just transfered my system over, but will do the Micro SD card shizzle tomorrow. I've had to order one from Tesco, it was either that or take the one out my phone and buy a new one for that. But twice the transfer for the sake of waiting 24-ish hours wasn't worth it.
  19. Small convo via Twitter messaging, they're gonna look into it etc.
  20. The charger arrived first for me. Which was weird.
  21. The Majora's Mask case that came with mine said it fits all of them, even the doorstop piece of shit that is the 2DS.
  22. Feeling alright today, was very worried earlier. I was trying to submit a request for my final legal secretary certificate thing assignment. But couldn't find the course on the website on my account, it was saying that I hadn't enrolled on the course etc. I had a horrible feeling that the course time had ended and I'd wasted £500 on nothing. I actually felt physically sick. I did consider emailing them about me not being able to see the details but I decided to play ignorant and wing it and submit it. Coming home from work I find an email confirming the assignment. Big fucking relief. And taken from the Majora's Mask thread:
  23. When it was 2 SDs on the same 3DS I did all the formatting and shizzle but nothing happened. I'm going to buy a nice Micro SD card tomorrow to try when the New 3DS arrives, hopefully tomorrow also. Did anyone who ordered the XL with free charger found their charger is coming separately? The dispatch email I got yesterday was apparently just for that. Got the actual N3DS dispatch email today.
  24. Would've been amazing if such a method actually worked for normal SD cards on my 3DS I tried switching them like this and nothing showed up. Scoured dat internets and did everything that was suggested and got nowhere. I'm gonna give it a go again since the New 3DS will be a blank slate, plus I don't wanna lose my saves, especially on Harvest Moon. I've only just gotten married.
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