Today he decided to make an enemy of every person in the stock control department and beyond today by upsetting one of the nicest and most hard-working staff member we have. Bar myself.
Myself and this other girl (let's call her Jess) are working on sorting out the warehouse, myself doing hardware upstairs and Jess doing health and beauty downstairs. We both get a lot of stock that our PDA's tell us is discontinued but is still current stock on the shelf. Jess spent 3 hours sorting through a shitload of stock yesterday as instructed by our manager and the manager of health and beauty. Matt (bell end TL) today just threw it all with the other actual discontinued stock, saying it's all discontinued (despite being told it can go out) and that she shouldn't do this (despite being told people above him have asked her to) and all the other managers are wrong and he is right. Pissing on all her hard work in the space of five minutes. Another team leader and myself kept telling her that if people above him have ordered something she should follow that and if Matt has a problem he can go speak to them, something which sadly she for some reason couldn't grasp, much to our frustration.
Naturally she was very upset with the situation and did break down crying. Which has pissed off all of us and any thoughts that we could dislike him any less were immediately disproven. Hopefully he'll get his ass handed to him, because Jess and I can't be bothered to put up with his bullshit for much longer.