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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I thought you were asking just me... :'( I felt special.
  2. Oi, I explained myself on dat shizzle. Additionally:
  3. From dem Steams.
  4. Based on the subtitle, an RPG version of this:
  5. Without checking (so could be wrong) Tiz was an Arcanist Angés was a Spiritmaster Edea was a Valkyrie Ringabel flitted between Dark Knight or Ninja, whichever physical action suited the situation.
  6. @Hero\-of\-Time, it's not surprising that you were able to pimpsmack the end boss on level 86 plus, I was on 99 and felt the same. Namely because I wanted to defeat...
  7. Must say I'm not sure if I'm feeling this game as previous Smash entries. The only thing Classic Mode has little in common with previous versions apart from having a giant something, wireframe team (replaced by Mii fighters) with Master/Crazy hand at the end. The slow dragging around of your character between different piles of trophies on a platform resembling that of the Cell Games is really drawing the time out on this and I don't know if I can be bothered doing it with every character. Really dislike how they've changed character different target smash to Angry Birds. Still getting used to the controls though, using a Pro Controller now.
  8. Do you think the Gamepad is better? The weird thing is that my attacks for many characters didn't seem to have any effect, this is from the characters given to me on that Mario Party raping thing. Sonic/Luigi/especially Jigglypuff were terrible. I did much better with Little Mac (who actually seemed to have a.combo for his button presses), Shulk and very well with Dedede.
  9. I've only just got it and found myself shit as hell, controls on the Gamepad blows. It took me awhile to find that the story mode is not on the main screen like it fucking should be. Managed to get just over 600 in the home run challenge.
  10. Have you been using anything like this? I've been meaning to get a pro controller. Which I think I'll use instead...
  11. http://www.amazon.co.uk/GC-Controller-Adapter-Wii/dp/B00BS520SG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1419626893&sr=8-2&keywords=wii+u+gamecube+controller+adapter Anyone recommend?
  12. How close do the Amiibo have to get? Just curious if they can be used whilst in the packaging.
  13. I find the bag that it comes in more appealing.
  14. How can I find out mine?
  15. ... This
  16. ... This
  17. Peach Princess Toadstool was always my player of choice.
  18. It would be awesome if it wasn't folded, which you know it will be. Reminds me of the posters given away in magazines. Would be so much better rolled up (although impossible to maintain in a retail environment)
  19. Fuck it, I'll give it a go.
  20. S'probably just me again, but if I ploughed through a game in one day (unless it's super short [eg Portal, Journey etc]) I'd feel like I wasn't getting my money's worth.
  21. Love that pic. Will be using it in the future
  22. You can enjoy and reflect on the level/s you've just done. If you blast through it in one go you may forget certain things. Imagine it like a nice drink or a meal. Down the drink/wolf down the meal and you'll certainly enjoy it less than taking your time. There's no need to be such a tool about it.
  23. It does seem everyone is loving the rapid change in weather. How is it without the weather set to dynamic?
  24. I'm not sure, for everyone to be fisting it, I was expecting something. Something that would stop it looking boring beyond belief... But s'just me
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