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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. How come everyone likes Spongebob!? It's shit! It's like The Office, complete wank yet everyone seems to love it.
  2. http://media.guardian.co.uk/broadcast/story/0,,1776027,00.html
  3. Do we have another Guy Goma fan in the house?
  4. Suggestions from the Symphonia board.
  5. Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors.
  7. I have two exams: Texts & Representations - 8th May [Didn't go bad] Culture & Society - 22nd May [should start revising]
  8. I'm offended I/We didn't do this sooner.
  9. On of the best prizes I've ever won.
  10. Noel Edmonds needs to come as well as a Deal Or No Deal box. Maybe a silhouetted banker.
  11. I keep drawing eyes in the margins of my pad in lectures. I may scan some in in the future.
  12. I just watched that video again. I just love the slow motion.
  13. Is that Gary Glitters hand on his right shoulder?
  14. Me and my flatmates normally vacate a room if a wasp comes to visit us.
  15. Buried alive.
  16. Dear God make teh punnage stop! Rightly deserved though. It's all about kicking ass and taking names.
  17. All the Don's here have been using MsPaint. And if you haven't... you're a pussy.
  18. SHABBA! [15 character blow my goat's wang.] I stand by what I said.
  19. It sucked cock anyway.
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