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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Had to be done, also found one of the cleanest piccies of a wang
  2. Hence why I said it.
  3. Surely it's Commissioning A Symphony In C Can we have the ones which have been solved have their answers under their pictures? Or hell. Having the first load solved before shitting a new batch on us.
  4. Bullshit was that creepy. That rated a 0 on the emotion scale with the way things are today.
  5. Does such a thing exist? Who wants to go around Ocarina Of Time and find a humanoid with regular ears? [the bean seller?] No no, this is actually quite interesting to ponder, not like that World Cup bollocks. Says he with the Counter Strike Counter in his signature.
  6. Sledgehammer always was a winner... *now finds some Erasure*
  7. Oooh if we're all doing proper serious videos. Billy Joel - River of Dreams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKeShxFByz0&search=river%20of%20dreams SCATMAN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo1w2Y4yj-8&search=scatman
  8. So they're basically saying people with pointy ears = Hylian. Those without = Hyrulean = Goron and Zora's?
  9. Is this it?
  10. Plus. I'm 95% sure the Deku Tree says Link was Hylian in Ocarina Of Time.
  11. Difference between a lengthy post and around 20-30 minutes of video footage.
  12. We might as well just enlarge the little sachets and have some sort of Capri-Sun thing going.
  13. Taken from Teh big O's msn picture.
  14. Or Hylian.
  15. They look rather nifty
  16. I must confess I put more hours into Red and Blue, actually taking my squad all the way to level 100 naturally. [Ages] But I voted Gold and Silver, just for the refreshing experience. Going back and shitting on the old gym leaders again, magical. Then they decided to piss on you with Ruby and Sapphire, not letting you go back anywhere.
  17. Wasn't there a topic on this not long ago? Either way, Giant who cares. I never saw the appeal of Futurama.
  18. Automerge my arse! I wanted a bump dammit!
  19. France. So you better be bloody grateful.
  20. You're damn right. I'm a comedic genius. However I can't stop watching the Dicko video... it's too great to watch once.
  21. Hell yeah. Now you see, the smart people store it upside down, so such a problem never occurs except for a small portion of sauce.
  22. Either this or MC Dicko's Homie Call of Desperation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugDdFjlvfW4
  23. The Three Seashells!
  24. It's hard to believe Paul wouldn't install some CCTV in his business enterprises. Also... Wimbledon's coming soon. It's bad enough they only have the late showing because of the piece of shit world cup. Now it'll probably never be on for the duration for shitty championship whites.
  25. Exactly. It's a niche in the market.
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