Righto, I got me new Hard Drive, and slammed in my XP disc. It partitions the disc. then installs XP. It restarts to "continue the setup" but comes back full circle to asking me to install XP once more, what de sheet is going on?!
Someone said:
1. Change boot order to boot from cd drive first
2. Insert windows xp cd and restart computer
3. Should get a prompt saying press any key to boot from cd or something like that, press a key and it should say setup is inspecting hardware.
4. Should come to the setup screen, select install a fresh copy of xp, partition the drive however you want it then press enter on the drive you want to install xp on.
5. Should ask you how you want to format the drive select which you want to do
6. The it should format the drive copy over some files then restart
7. When it says press a key to enter set up dont press anything and it will continue into the windows install.
8. Follow all the instructions and you should be done.
I can get to stage 6, after it "formats the partition", restarts then comes back to the XP set up where I can:
a] Set up XP
b] Repair console
c] quit without setting up XP [which normally restarts the PC]
a] takes me to the partition screen where you have to select the partition to install XP on. I could just keep on setting up XP on this partition forever...
Boot order has been changed so hard drive comes before Cd drive... no effect. Disabling all boot order minus hard drive still makes it boot from CD first. I am right in thinking that pressing del in startup brings the setup menu where you change boot order in the BIOS settings yes?
Removing the CD, gives this after the boot from CD text:
Nvidia boot agent 201.0462
copyright [c] 2001-2004 nvidia corporation
copyright [c] 1997-2000 intel corporation
FXE-e61 media test failure, check cable
FXE-m0f exiting nvidia boot agent.
Can anyone help?