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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I thought the winking face was a giveaway that I was taking the piss.
  2. U9mm = Uzi Nine Millimeetaaaah.
  3. Most of those abbreviations are for lazy fuckers who are basically lazy fuckers. Based on that logic, why don't you start using shitty text language.
  4. That convertable people carrier thing was genius.
  5. How the hell are you supposed to act in the world of business? Pushy is the way forward, otherwise you get shat on.
  6. Ruth for the win. I'd Badger her anyday.
  7. You know Superman will be wank anyway, They've already ruined such excitement in Smallville [Assville.]
  8. Good for him.
  9. Tomorrow Never Dies blows hard goat cocks, Die Another Day wasn't that great either, it didn't help having Madonna do the opening song. I refused the prompt so it didn't play, so I'm going to come back in about an hour's worth of revision and try again. But if it isn't up to scratch of Licence To Kill [The Best Bond.] then I won't be pleased.
  10. As a cat owner I would have to track you down and fuck your face for disgracing cats in such a manner.
  11. According to this lasseh Teh Click. Bitch. Lovely smile. It hasn't been seen before. So don't pretend you have! O_O
  12. I'm glad you got your Holy Grail, my MSN teachings have not been wasted. No no no, don't give us that crap about how you didn't want it. And the first time's always wank anyway.
  13. Since that list has been compiled I have bought Season 3 of Scrubs [for a sexy £20], and as for family guy my flatmate... aqcuired them from the Newsgroups.
  14. Were you and lady brought together by the magnetic pieces of metal in/around your mouth?
  15. It would be logical, if Howl's Moving Castle wasn't a crusty piece of shit of a movie
  16. I didn't mind the sequels to Robocop and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Well.. Turtles 3 did blow. I've not seen Fargo but I'd rather rip out my balls than own Donnie Darko.
  17. I'm here, The Don, asking the community for some suggestions on a few DVD's a may purchase. Mainly so I can get the saver delivery, but if not. No big loss. At present my basket has: Die Hard with a Vengeance, Con Air, The Rock. Now I'm thinking of getting something along the same lines etc etc etc [perchance face/off, Broken arrow].. here's the current collection thus far: Family Guy season one. Family Guy season two. Family Guy season three. Fight Club. Scrubs season one. Scrubs season two. The Shield season one. The Shield season two. Beyblade discs 1-7. Pokémon 4Ever. Neon Genesis Evangelion discs 1-6 Neon Genesis Evangelion special editions, the last two. Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End Of Evangelion. Princess Mononoke. Excel Saga disc one. Metropolis. Spirited Away. Dungeons & Dragons volume one. The best of Knight Rider. X-Men 1. X-Men 2. Red Dwarf season 2. American Pie. American Pie 2. American Pie: The wedding. Stargate. Road Trip. Old School. The Full Monty. Home Alone. Hiome Alone 2. Reservoir Dogs. The Transporter. Gone In 60 Seconds. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Mean Machine. Snatch. Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters 2. Die Hard. The Tuxedo. The Parent Trap. Freaky Friday. Mean Girls. Maverick. The Three Musketeers. Fierce Creatures. Lee Evans XL Tour. Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. Man In The Iron Mask. Casanova [bBC1 Drama.] The Mummy. The Mummy Returns. The Scorpion King. I noticed the Robocop trilogy going for just over £16, so been thinking about that. Anything? EDIT: Quick question I couldn't be arsed to scan the news comments for neither question nor answer. With the name "wii" coming out. Will the site name be changed?
  18. Holy shit, it's like they're played by the same character.
  19. Genae and her stalking is just getting stupid. Her behaviour today just wasn't needed
  20. Dress as a Frenchman, the ultimate sin. Or The Hoff. Saint.
  21. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1820007.html?menu=
  22. If anyone wants to finish off the job
  23. "Kiss the ring. Hollaaaah!!" Actual quote.
  24. Clarkson's great on Saturdays too.
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