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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Has to be done... I see girls, here there and everywhere....
  2. I wanted to see Muppet Christmas Carol too, or Muppet Treasure Island... but there was only The Muppet Movie, probably to stand for all of them, kinda like Lord Of The Rings, which is in no way a family film I say.
  3. Normally I wouldn't watch these sort of programmes, but there were a few deciding factors: 1] Family movies? That's my kinda shizzle. 2] There was nothing else on TV. Buggered if I was going to watch the World Cup. 3] Bob Hoskins narrating. Beautiful. http://www.channel4.com/film/newsfeatures/microsites/F/greatest-familymovies/results/100-96.html Most of the results seem to be in the right place. But Pirates Of The Carribean at 4? Piss off going for the popularity vote. It's actually reminded me to get some of these classy films on DVD, Beetlejuice and Who Framed Roger Rabbit are on their way to me, should be here tomorrow. Also getting Judge Dredd and The Shadow, just because they're fucking quality films.
  4. I quite liked the Ali G movie. It had class. "Furthermore I am a bell end..." genius. I thought Borat's voice was a bit off in the trailer, probably because he was shouting. But I saw the sister bit coming as they were kissing. I'd give her one.
  5. Bloody Hell. Sly is sounding a bit weird. The title could use some work... I demand Rocky VI! [And either III or IV was the best]
  6. Slimz is set to such a thing. Can't find the thing in question on teh Fox. I'm not sure what ye mean.
  7. "yo yo yo baby wassup, gimme your phone number before I don't wannit no more" Hey babe, wanna get LUCKY!? Hey baby, wanna go halves on a bastard? I am a magical being, take off your bra. I must expel some seminal fluid. May I use your body? Oh, you're a bird watcher....(Whip out your unit and ask) Well, would you take this for a swallow? If we were both squirrels, would you let me bust a nut in your hole? Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I like Spaghetti, Let's go fuck!
  8. Kick some ass, take some names. The usual.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/results?search=electroplankton&search_type=search_videos
  10. Since we're all doing special hierarchy's Link To The Past > Ocarina Of Time > Majora's Mask > Oracle Series > Minish Cap > Zelda 2 > Wind Waker > Legend Of Zelda
  11. When I came back home my mum who also works at Sainsburys asked if there was any point in me asking for my job back. They were cutting down a shitload of staff. Later they started hiring new people as they needed the hours, and my uniform had purpose yet again. They only could offer Shift [late night shelf stacking] or checkout. Since I hate checkout I opted for shift. 6-11 Tue/Wed/Sat, getting overtime as I can too = need money. Sainsburys don't mind students, I think it helps having dual store people who only work while they're there at university. Which naturally their hours need filling during the holidays when they go home. Maybe j00'll be lucky.
  12. This dude jizzed on my door lock, so I pissed a bottle over the next day and doused his door in it.
  13. You pissed in a sink... ooh you rebel. I've pissed in a sink, I've knocked one out in a plane too. I did it in my seat whilst everyone was asleep.
  14. Tis a Logitech cordless one. The only reason I installed the software this morning was because Windows had done fuck all about it.
  15. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Skull_Bash_(move)
  16. Piece of shit World Cup cut it out for about two weeks. Good thing Wimbledon is on at the same time, or that'd mean we'd be shafted for even longer.
  17. I cannae seem to get the mouse wheel button working. Normally it would open a new window when clicked on a link, and close the tab when clicked on too. Plus the standard scroll thingy. I installed the mouse's software but it hasn't done anything, in fact when I have the program on it disables the back and forward commands assigned to the side buttons on the mouse. Vot de sheet?!
  18. ABOUT FUCKING TIME!! If Lynne had gone through with it, I swear I would've made some form of Anti Lynne Scully website.
  19. That's it? Pfft I've been watching that bollocks on the news all day waiting for Neighbours to return [YAY! ]... I was expecting something a bit more juicier.
  20. I still am at the moment because no one seems to have answered me, apart from that splendid impression of a Pokémon's Skull Bash move, but there seems to be more to it.
  21. Oooh. Now I'm all curious, what did he do? [besides being French in which he has my deepest sympathies]
  22. Uzi 9mm. http://www11.cd-wow.com/detail_results_2.php?product_code=375998
  23. It reminded me of the Ocarina ads we had, but longer. The music was the shit, I may try cutting it with Goldwave. There's a bit where Phantom Ganon takes off his mask and there's blue fire underneath... I don't recall that happening, did it?
  24. Will this episode be repeated? I just wanna see how it ends.
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