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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Well normally, I don't give a fuck about football. Any football. The game bores me, the only pleasure I get is from the reactions of people get in the pub. Y'know, like when someone takes out the £250,000 on Deal or No Deal, hands on mouths and all that. HOWEVER! Although I won't be watching it. I want Turkey to win. Only because I was assigned Turkey on a Facebook group. They will fall to my Turks.
  2. http://www.radiotimes.com/ListingsServlet?event=10&channelId=134&programmeId=79186993&jspLocation=/jsp/prog_details_fullpage.jsp
  3. I think one of my ex's might be someone to ask about that.
  4. Asking one of those would probably get Smells Like Teen Spirit as a response... Christ that song is shit.
  5. I mean from Cobain.
  6. It is immense. It's like in A Fish Called Wanda, except instead of Italian it's names of Pokémon. Why not? It's like taking mock tests when revising.
  7. How dare j00! O_o Where are those genius lyrics I've heard so much about though.
  8. Just because I like songs that have the previously mentioned qualities, doesn't mean I don't appreciate good lyrics. I find the works of Billy Joel and Elton John to be quite genius in the lyrical department.
  9. You only do things once, no practising? Your sex life is going to be immense.
  10. Just done it with 3:56 to spare. pr0.
  11. Lyrical genius?
  12. My strategy is to normally name as many basic Pokémon as I can, then using my pr0 knowledge of what they evolve to I come back to them later.
  13. NONE OF THEM. Werebears all the way. http://www.doyouremember.co.uk/memory.php?p=5&s=&memID=3675
  14. The comedian kid was a prick, he only did his act because he was a shit singer, and his cheekiness before and after his act prompted Simon to say "bugger off and come back with some jokes".
  15. I can see Kingsley being the Vizier.
  16. You should be publicly lynched.
  17. When you were younger, you said something that you swore you would never do. But time has passed and you've found yourself doing it anyway. What were they? 1) I said I would never wear shoes with laces because velcro was much easier. Sadly I didn't adhere to this. 2) I said I would never wear jeans, because tracksuit bottoms were easier to apply. This is one statement I'm glad I changed on, because I'd look like a nice chavvy prick. 3) I said I would never wear boxers because I was comfortable in briefs, the added freedom boxers has provided over the years has been much appreciated. 4) One I think most people here will agree with. Because it tasted so horrible I swore I would never drink b33r. Now I go out almost every week. j00?
  18. Not exactly a purchase on my part, but from my Daddy and Step-mummy who bought this for me when they were on holiday. A delightful notebook and pen with a macabre theme. I forgot to put the pen into shot, but it's a skeleton with the lower half wrapped. I may take a picture tomorrow if you so wish. Back cover. The cover is actually made of slate. It's well weighty, there seems to be more cover than pages. Would make a good murder weapon perhaps. Here's the thickness compared with a quid.
  19. That reminded me of my housemate, who informed me his barber back home, his son took a shotgun in the mouth. I asked him, how bad people might feel if they ask for 'a little off the top'.
  20. That is true, but I've remixed it so it's slightly more relevant to the topic. ¬_¬
  21. Who's the signing thing from? j00 cheater! :'(
  22. I'm not sure if I've ever watched the first 3 Indy movies, but there were a few qualities nicked from the Mummy/Returns that me and my housemate kept mentioning: 1) The man who has gold lust which eventually kills him. Benny and Ray Winstone. 2) Weird insects. Scarabs and Ants. 3) Unusual 'guards' using blow pipes. The wood imp things and the tribal people. 4) Swirling vortex at the end.
  23. Yeah, it didn't work out.
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