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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Recently, due to playing Hitman: Blood Money [since it only happens when playing it] I think my PC is overheating, it crashes but is still 'on'. The lights are on, the fan is going, but there's nothing on the screen and the light on the monitor starts flashing, meaning there's no input from the computer. Another thing I've been noticing when playing Blood Money is the 'lighting' on the screen starts changing when in certain areas. Which is making me think it's a graphics card issue... But I know fuck all about this. I've been meaning to upgrade my PC I think anyway, mainly the mother board since that's the only reason my PC is as large as it is.
  2. Less time to post pictures here. It's his reason for being.
  3. So many wrong captions can be applied.. deary me.
  4. When taking medicine, instead of putting the tablet/pill in your mouth then taking a gulp of water [which normally makes the pill stay in my mouth, and if that's paracetamol the delightful taste is released. What I do now [with my meds] is have a mouthful of water, drop the pill in and quickly swallow.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJR6Nabc804&feature=iv
  6. I never thought I could hate Alan Carr any more until I saw the new Sunday Night Project ad.
  7. Basically the practise of knocking one out before one goes out for whatever reason. A: "You going to have a surprise erection again tonight?" B: "Not tonight my friend, I've put a wank in the tank" It's genius. It combats the need for that stiffy stealth topic we had earlier.
  8. None of you have heard of the "wank in the tank" concept?!
  9. We shall see how many more we can add.
  10. When shagging, have the woman on top, it is less effort on your part, making you last longer. Plus it leaves your hands free to roam.
  11. I'm not sure how effective this is, but it's better than nothing. Putting receipts in the bin? Don't want uncouth individuals reading parts of your bank account details from the cash machine? Spray with deoderant and the text magically vanishes!
  12. So he's confessed to nabbing them, or has Cobain been spread out like the Dragonballs.
  13. Only if it's a certain length. But if you get it at the stubbley stage it's fine. Of course a bit of water is used occasionally to cleanse the blade of my potential beard.
  14. Don't get any shaving products. I shave dry.
  15. Same here. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm pregnant FUUUUUUUUCCCKK.
  16. Clever title, how long did it take j00 to come up with it?
  17. I concur, grades are for kiddies when you get into the world of universities. I'm still waiting on the results of my course, looks like I'll find out on the day I graduate... or not.
  18. The fight at the end was the faggiest battle intro I've seen in some time. Instead of the turn and punch tactic, Marco went for the conventional turn and bear hug like a pansy. On the mention of pansies. Fitzy, being knocked out by a harmless arse bang from Toadie, I know he's kinda chunky, but there's no way that would knock someone out.
  19. I stand by my accusations!
  20. I've been looking through the previous works because I was bored, and what the fuck is he trying to do with this voice: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1-Heavenly-Sword-and-Other-Stuff Sounds like a shitty toff accent. Or not putting as much effort into it because he's afraid he'll wake his mum up.
  21. They're quality films. I went through a phase of watching Fierce Creatures numerous times last week, I hate it when that happens.
  22. No one takes those garlic tablet things then?
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