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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Just show her a picture of The Don and she'll be moist in no time.
  2. Two have recently sprung to mind BAZOOKA THAT VERUCCA The fact they have a child doing what appears to be the "retard" dance to try and endorce their product is beyond me. ADIOS!. A weird thing which is confuses me is that this woman, who loves to shout ADIOS! doesn't attract attention. Except at the end she says it in a lower volume and suddenly everyone starts poking their heads out the curtains. CILLIT BANG. One thing I love about this is that they haven one of the most wooden actresses I've ever seen. I've just seen the advert on TV "blag blah blah what a shine and a new fresh smell"
  3. Fucking right Doggie. Mareep: Flaafy: POKEVOLVE TO?! AMPHAROS!
  4. SOME. I daresay some might prefer looking at the tasty chicks than the pictures you post. No offence Claudia baby.
  5. I'd probably break her, or she'd assault me if I didn't. My mon are most varying... I'll pick them from my squad/s Jolteon. Gyrados. Pidgeot. Xatu. Espeon. Ampharos. Others: Hypno. Haunter. There were others I'm sure.
  6. And Dweebz, and Runtz... That was the shit dreams were made from.
  7. The only options I get are to visit an url, delete or add to address or something. I tried visiting the url once and I can't remember what was replied to me, but it cost monies. Now I keep deleteing but it keeps coming :'( One day you might find out.
  8. BITCH! There are two sexy advert topics made by The Baron for your bitching pleasure. What I love is how they imply the girls are really young sexy bitches, who show each other the messages they recieve whilst rubbing the others' clit. You know these messages are coming from some 50+ fat chick. Someone has signed me up to something like this, I keep getting "texts" from some online IP with some shitty message "what are you wearing" kind of shit. I can't seem to block it.
  9. I guess you have to play one of the previous games to fully appreciate it. But he seems to say they're boring as fuck too... Still might give the first a go sometime.
  10. Depends how funny they might be.
  11. I remember the adverts they made to justify that, they gave a monkey some names and shit and it spunked one out when Starburst was mentioned. Waddaya mean? They're still around?
  12. I remember the day well also. I was off school because of a hospital appointment, regular television was interrupted. It raped every channel all day. Same here, same when the thing happened, and same now. I feel nothing towards this. I know it's a bad thing, people died and shit like that. But I just don't care.
  13. Although I still see them, I miss Crunch's
  14. I want all the original Digimon now. If someone has already downloaded them and could burn them onto a blank doovdé or something, I'd appreciated it much.
  15. PIEDMON! CLOWN TRICK! The first and second generation were the best. I've not seen past them, but I can safely assume they're shit.
  16. Examples please. That's because they're dumb fucks.
  17. Anyone who says that about football is such a prat it's unreal.
  18. I've got an appointment to sign on the dole soon. My summer has basically been me painting my old Warhammer models [got them a few years ago, might as well paint the fuckers] Which Rez has loved my work. Trying to get a job somewhere.
  19. Nah, he's going to make this film.
  20. I can hazard a guess on a few, but Bulma needs green hair dammit!
  21. Real life version of who?
  22. Because yo' ugly dawg.
  23. Depends, where's she hidden it?
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