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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Back to the Maddox Massive for Matrix Breakdown: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=matrix2 And the third for shits and giggles: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=matrix3
  2. Molly, why is someone trying to feel you up?
  4. I feel that, his work of all the Gym Leaders, and many 'mon has been amazing.
  5. Tis a pr0 point jimbob. Those affected would have to pick a similar name which would somehow convey their old selves to us all.
  6. Be subtle and call him Richard. And for the girls:
  7. Mounds of inspiration from these. I think my Daddy's name beats hers ¬_¬
  8. I just got that image from Google. I'm not sure if that's the one I ordered.
  9. I've been fapping around in Showdown Town, I've only got about 4 jiggies but I ditched my trolley and, managed to cheat my way to the top of one tower and the Rusty Bucket area, searching for Mumbo boxes. Seemed to work well. Is it true that there is no "manual" way to save the game? Up until now I've been taking photos and pissing around with vehicles and overwriting the names. "Da graffix" are rather good, but the factt hat you're so far away from Banjo just seems... wrong for me.
  10. The Golden Compass It's been ages since I read the books, so I couldn't remember much of what was meant to happen. But apart from the semi-pr0 castings, not bad music and special effects, and a sexy battle at the end... It just felt empty. Seven Shabba's
  11. Going back to Liar Liar again. The wish seems to have removed his inhibitions rather than just stop him from lying.
  12. Every boxing day we go to some family members [on the step daddy's side] for dinner and shizzle. Due to my throat giving me some agro I demanded we stopped at the local shop so I can deplete their stocks of Lockets. The lass in front of me in a queue was getting lottery tickets. I felt INSPIRED. I got 2 lines, and won a tenner! First time I've played in about 6 years.
  13. What's this Benji Button stuff about? Sounds very Liar Liar-esque. Yay/nay?
  14. I've been toying with getting this for awhile. Sixty of her Majesty's Pounds Sterling. But if you're feeling it you can buy the seasons seperately for £8.99 each.
  15. I had a WD USB external hard drive. It suddenly fucked up and shut down on me. Wiping all the data it's supposed to be backing up lest the PC fucked up. Are these My Books more reliable?
  16. I feel that. I'm resisting having it upped.
  17. You'd thought so, but on reflection it's not really a worthwhile transition.
  18. I've managed to pimpsmack the text issue, but something else bothers me. When characters are talking and what they're saying is longer than the speech box, is there a way to get it to move quicker? The normal holding/pressing A does nothing except move along.
  19. Well. It's the first game I've played on my first Xbox 360. It "updated" itself before it started but it only lead to this. Do I have to do this Xbox Live bullshit for it to actually work?
  20. I feel that.
  21. Apparently.
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