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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. That's why I hid up that tree at the meet.
  2. I feel that. He's am utter prick. I can't remember what I've seen him presenting before, but he was a twat.
  3. Read about this earlier, it's bullshit. I feel for the man. Luckily for myself I haven't had anything massive to hit my head on yet.
  4. I think you reference the entire piece. Either that or I did it wrong :s
  5. Where was Taken?! It deserves a pr0 mentionings.
  6. Some chap in my yearbook for uni was called Hardware. I can't remember if it was his first name. But either way around is awesome.
  7. I'm sure Ellen DeGeneres loves being told she has a technical first name.
  8. Life is quite shitty at the moment. Inspired by my time raping job I never get to see my friends anymore, because in the day when they work I'm at home doing fuck all. When they finish work and go get pissed with each other I'm working. Couple this with being away for university, I believe they have forgotten me. I hope to obtain a working holiday visa and go to Australia just to round it all off.
  9. The question on everyone's fingertips. Why.
  10. I've just read the first 3 pages, it was oddly boring, Most of it was just Jon talking to himself and staring blankly, and not in a funny way.
  11. You're a funny guy Moogle, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.
  12. Yeah, Happy new year and shit like that. The most amazing work shift was accomplished last night, 5-1, and had to cope with hearing this really average band called Verbal Warning. Who brought merchandise to sell to the groupies, which considering the average age of our customers [35+] is rather weird seeing some mums bopping up and down in these t-shirts. The band almost dressed like Black Parade My Chemical Romance, but with more shitty labels and whatever sewed here and there, and made a point on their posters of not singing any Beatles, Elvis or Rolling Stones.
  13. Myra Hindley aside...
  14. None, 'coz it all tastes like shit I tell you! However if I end up at a Chinese restaurant I'll see if I can stomach some chicken.
  15. That is sick. You've stopped doing your copycoy pose and created a mechanical Japanese girl to do it for you?! Girl second on the left, with the flat expression, and her hands. SHE'S PLAYING HER LIKE A PUPPET!
  16. I used to stand on the roof and throw molotov cocktails at the police/FBI/army. Best GTA ever.
  17. I WILL NEVER TAKE IT BACK. I can't really remember what it was like back in the day [which implies it was nothing to write home about to begin with] but it might've been entertainings.
  18. What other forums?
  19. On what grounds! You haven't taken out a copyright surely?
  20. 13 minutes in and it's shit. I don't know why I'm surprised since it wasn't that funny to begin with.
  21. I think it's Odwin.
  22. It would be awesome to have one of these, but you know some pricks will vandalise it.
  23. New years evening is going to be great for me. I start work at 5pm and will probably finish around 1ish. What a load of shit.
  24. And just like Dan Dare, one of us is in Deep trouble.
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