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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You kinky bugger.
  2. Just seen on teletext, apparently Cohen's version is at 34.
  3. Fight the power!
  4. I don't dish out Buckley abuse! It's just his voice that blows ¬_¬
  5. That's what I mean, they're both in the car with two people in the back. Who's talking at the time? Is what Norton's saying in his head because they responded to Pitt's words?
  6. It's just some of the other situations. What do you think of the car sequence?
  7. The fact they mistakenly believe that, is what doesn't make sense in this film. Which I believe is what Moogle was getting at.
  8. That theory would also be awesome. "Hello, how are you? Had a good day? What is your account number and sort code?"
  9. Despite the fact that Buckley's whiny version is wank compared to others I've heard, it's less wank than Alex's. I hope he beats her out of spite.
  10. The policy in itself is sound. It's just that in this case it wasn't shown pr0perly. Quotes shortened due to laziness. Austin: "Where's the lair?" [ASK ONE] Fez: "Blow Me." Austin: "Do I have to ask you 2 more times?" Fez: "I can't remember the answer" Austin: "Where's the lair?" [ASK TWO] Fez: "Suck my balls." Felicity: "Aha! He asked three times." But he didn't. Regardless of how he considers his policy works.
  11. Maybe they cut a scene where he asked a second time after asking about the two extra times, then the scene would make sense.
  12. It's technically not the same as such. He whined about breaking promises. But it is a bit of a long shot I say. Thing in Star Wars. When you see Obi-Wan as a ghost, he should be naked. He vanished without his clothes. Yoda took them with him.
  13. Just seen the video for it on Yahoo. It was terrible. It doesn't suit her voice at all. Plus they had to ruin the video by putting in her "journey" to victory. Fuck Buckley people. Listen to John Cale's cover.
  14. Maybe he does the shagging at night, which then torturess him in the day, kinda like when Durden was building the mattresses [Was it?] in the basement which only he could hear when Marla was round. One moment I find weird was when they're in the car and he lets it run off-road. Is he saying both voices and doing both actions [holding the wheel]
  15. That's sexism. I'll be damned if I'm going to discriminate.
  16. That's why you don't see things the way others do Every man on Earth feels this.
  17. I still stand by my defendings point. If someone leapt in front of me in such a situation I'd feel slightly offended as they believe I couldn't defend myself on my own.
  18. I find it a bit weird how she couldn't let her friend try and defend herself before jumping in. To be honest I wouldn't have "minded" as such if someone said the same about one of my friends.
  19. The line is he wishes for "one day dad couldn't tell a lie" Not a lawy But I see where you're coming from. I'm not bein' no f00'. It is a pr0 film. Noone else seemed to care, if they did an investigation they would've know who Lawrence was, the moment he set foot in the building they would've been on him in an pr0 arrest orgie. In theory of course.
  20. The kid's 5, he don't know shit between the words liar and lawyer. Also I don't think he knows he lies when he works, wasn't really explained.
  21. Yeah it's been semi shitty. This lass who we said we were in love with each other, but not going out officially, I fucked that up when a bit drunk... wasn't best pleased.
  22. This isn't about lil' things like continuity errors, but potentially weird plot shit. I have a few examples. There may be spoilers ahead. Con Air: When Cyrus is strapped to the ladder and crashes into the restaurant bridge thingy, you see him crash through and out the other end, which would imply he'd fall onto the road. Instead he ends up in some factory/rubbish thing which pimpsmacks his head. Liar Liar: Max makes the wish for Jim Carrey not to lie, yet Max has no reason to believe his dad would lie. It's just he keeps letting his son down. Blue Streak: There was no mention of Martin Lawrence hiding the diamond in the police station to the actual police themselves, yet Luke Wilson was able to piece everything together at the end. People. Talk To Me.
  23. This is bullshit. Carol-Ann has deleted the whole confrontation.
  24. The Facebook picture whining update. It's getting fun! "Carol-Ann [Old school friend]: Derek don't be a jackass just because you can be. Please delete your comments and don't insult my friends at random. Kirsty [Deep throat]: Oh I feel so bad right now I'm so sorry I insulted your name... oh oh wait no im not ... If your gonna insult people you dont even know dick head get use to insults back... I suggest you go find yourself some friends clearly you have to much time on your hands! EEVIL [pr0]:No no it's fine, I'm all for give-and-take. I just thought you could do better. Carol. No." Carol-Ann has since texted another friend [Vickie] this: "god why does derek have to be a jerk for no reason? he keeps insulting my friends". Whiny bitch She makes it sound like I make habit out of it.
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