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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  2. I caught The Sun today whilst at work. And was checking out the front page that the son of some OAP thought Ross should be sacked. I only scanned it, so I don't know if the son was famous or this OAP was famous [doubtful]. He wishes.
  3. Uurgrrghhhhghguughg Nooooo. On the former game theme Moogle mentioned, I do have some dice cufflinks, I can't remember where I got them from. But some Triforce cufflinks would be sexy. Shouldn't be too hard to make some.
  4. I can't remember if I bought that recently, as I did with a few doovdes. But it's been plaguing my mind recently. It is a top movie and one thing that pisses me off abotu it, is that my former housemate hasn't seen it all the way through. Disgusting.
  5. As for the length of my load, I'd have to abstain for awhile, since I'm not getting any hydraulics at the moment. Mine happened kinda by accicent. I was young and knew the motion of wanking, but never actually understood it. But whilst watching an episode of Red Shoe Diaries it finally happened. I too felt like I was going to be sick. But I've never looked back.
  6. He's lying, no more than 20 mins after this happened he had to go to the toilet and knock one out.
  7. I never really played football at school. I wasn't one of those people who collected football stickers and have never played fantasy football. There is nothing wrong with a good wafty crank. And knocking one out in the afternoon means I can last longer in the normal act of plowing.
  8. Bullshit..
  9. You've gone "normal". I must confess, I like the colour and the style.
  10. Not when I'm done.
  11. I don't think this Eternal Darkness screenplay isn't going to go away unless I actually do it. I think I'll start tomorrow or something. Anyone got any film contacts I could harass when I'm done?
  12. Just give it to him straight [Pun alert] You don't start topics about every single thought you have when you're round their house do you?
  13. Word, it shouldn't stop common sense coming into play.
  14. Get on with what? The flirting? And why should the fact he's a gay programmer affect anything? You're with him for the money aren't you. AREN'T YOU.
  15. What exactly did he apologise for? The messages or the flirtings? Or something more sinister? I've always stood by Ross when he was on a break [albeit the timings wasn't great], but the convenient lack of memory on the reason behind the messages, is most suspicious. I assume he was "drunk" when this happened of course. Just to clarify the last bit, your boyfriend knew this friend felt guilty about the flirting messages/kissing/anal?, yet your boyfriend thought it nice to tease him about it, which I assume is the messages you came across?
  16. I knew it.
  17. I cut my finger at work today, muchos deep. A glass slipped outta my hand and I tried to rescue it but it cracked and cut me by the nail. Before I got a plaster on it blood started dripping off the end of my finger. Die Hard Style. I've used about 6-7 plasters tonight.
  18. Another misconception! Where did the names come from?
  19. We're not asking questions as such, just speculating. Odwin mentions the lack of stated number of Wise men, we make cheeky comments. I recall the mentionings of names [Assuming this isn't a misconception] which implies there were at least 3, which could mean the aforementioned points that there were ungrateful fuckers who didn't bring presents.
  20. We know what this is saying. Odwin mentioned it earlier.
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