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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You can just imagine the family sitting to watch TV and they're all wearing those stylish specs.
  2. I'm just doing my job.
  3. There's no evidence to say they didn't watch this a dozen times to formulate those lines. [Albeit nothing to the contrary either.]
  4. I've had a dynamite coldsore for a few days now... Which I think is digi-volving into impetigo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impetigo Not on my arse though. I may have to ask for some time off work.
  5. I remember Mystery Science Theatre 3000, the movie also. As Happenstance said, that was actually funny though.
  6. pr0 love to the pr0 knowledge!
  7. More fun may be had watching Eastenders on mute and adding your own commentary.
  8. Just watched the Resident Evil 5 one, I don't think I'll be watching the rest.
  9. ReZ, that sounds a most pr0 weekend you lucky shit. But you seem to have missed out the part where you took a video of you setting your sock on fire.
  10. He knows he's talking crap. My hair is unbeatable.
  11. Only when it's needed. Letty knows I jest, we know we belong together.
  12. Slam in the tags for me gringo. I highly doubt I'm going to read it. DC Comics never inspired me
  13. Yeah, but I mean can he use it?
  14. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=963311&postcount=25766
  15. I didn't know I was doing one. I've already bought one member here a copy
  16. My birthday night out was fairly shitty, ended up in town [part of the master pran] but instead of ending up at The 'Flex we went to Rescue Rooms, one of the shittiest "clubs" out there. There were some tasty lasses about, but it mainly "islands of minge in a sea of cock". Choc full of tight trousered pricks, emo hairstyles, trousers halfway down legs [with belts] and I didn't recognise a single song being played. One thing which really freaked me out, I was in the toilet having a slash, I look to my left and on the wall opposite another bloke is pissing, and a friend [i assume] is standing there looking at his friends piece asking if he's been circumcised.
  17. C'mahn, don't bullshit us. Don't tell us you're one of the people who HAVEN'T seen Total Recall?
  18. Does the Flash actually do anything to warrant the shitloads of lightning accompanying him in that picture? Besides running really fast.
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