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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Does anyone know if that artwork is around minus the logo?
  2. Daddy has a new pub now... it's weird seeing him [and strangely the regulars] in such a "futuristic" looking place, after seeing them for so long in a "traditional" pub. But it seems to be going well for him and new business partner. I won monies on the Sticky 13, which pleased me greatly. Depends on your pronounciation of the letter U. Hus = Hussy, WRONG. Hus = Hoos, RIGHT. Intentional mistake? Answers on a postcard please.
  3. Ok ok, I'll slam in the hidden word, Nothing Entertaining Happened. I thought that was obvious. Why care? Because I was led to believe this film was worth watching.
  4. I'm not being mean, I'm sweet as honey bitch.
  5. Any particular reason for the choice of outfit?
  6. Not my problem. They're still thicker. I'd like to thank the Academy.
  7. Yo' ass is grass. And I have a lawnmower. Ya dig?
  8. Was that last image of Batman used in The Dark Knight?
  9. No, they're clearly thicker.
  10. Please elaborate.
  11. Super Mario Galaxy 2 won’t have as deep a storyline as its predecessor, says Mario’s creator Shigeru Miyamoto. Not as if it's fucking hard.
  12. I'd love to see one of those. "i did wrk xperience. it was peng"
  13. Tis most distressings. I'm trying to get a new wallet, and the pictures you see don't show the inside. I need a coin compartment! I'm going to Argos later to check one out, if it doesn't match my needs I'll get a duplicate of my old wallet. Conveniently from Argos also.
  14. It's like you're stealing our bathroom design!
  15. Did any of Michael Bay's ideas on this make it into Transformers? I'm still yet to watch it. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/155700 Skip M. Night's bullshit to about a minute in. Then enjoy Mel Gibson too. With a subcaption of "Rackadoodledoo."
  16. Always a classic.
  17. And form bars are thinner. ... Ok?
  18. That's right. It is. Doesn't make me any less caring.
  19. I see foxes on the way home from work. I don't live in the countryside bitch
  20. Chat whilst you're in iSketch you buggers. Personal statements are alright, at least you only have to write them once. Not compared to... URGH... Cover letters... I fucking hate cover letters...
  21. I know baby. But have you fixed your remote control since?
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