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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Maybe he'll be focussing on the choppa? 50 seconds in makes me laugh.
  2. Work are probably going to love this. I've already asked them for 3 Saturday's off.
  3. What didn't you like 'bout Rush? See, now I'm tempted to buy it again... But I know that I might semi-regret it, as I did with Super Monkey Ball. I bought that on release and it pissed me off so much I took it back.
  4. It's more like a long nightgown, but with a belt. Having a more Dark Link focused storyline could be interesting, I know they've done it with Samus, and kinda with Mario. Maybe like Prince of Persia, how the Dark Prince momentarily takes over, with some new abilities.
  5. I think the DS game I got for Dad for Father's Day came today but I wasn't available to sign for it. pr0 I'm also wondering which one to get myself, I still wouldn't mind some more games for my 360, having a rocking collection of 2 since I got it at Christmas, but the nice Wiimote waggling is temptedings. The Dulcoease people have tracked me down and my viewing habits. They keep harassing me with their advert: http://thegringoasylum.blogspot.com/2009/04/adverts-that-blow-3-im-bloated-help-me.html
  6. That's a lie!
  7. We've had many threads repeated with no problems. Can you create a rescue dog? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/18/20090618/tsc-clones-of-9-11-hero-dog-unveiled-in-e123fef.html
  8. An even bigger terror of the seven seas emerges. I love this image.
  9. Too fucking right. Also correcting my spelling when I spelt it wrong. It just keeps on giving! :awesome:
  10. Except that I added an element of discussion, so you wouldn't pull this bullshit. That last bit again. I was hoping for a nice discussion, but no, you couldn't be bothered with the extra work.
  11. Not for me, I was able to search for Plesiosaur with no problem.
  12. What kind of Dinosaur are we talking about here, a Plesiosaur?
  13. It's just another topic in a long line of condensed matter topics. Some work, such as the image gallery and rate the last film, as not much discussion flows. But for a topic such as this to contain all news? You told me on msn that "I can't handle the thread", the thread won't be able to handle itself. It'll crush under its own weight, which I'm sure you'll be devastated over, because that means more time to talk about comics.
  14. It must be bad memory, it must be finding the cages. I think one or two were annoyingly beyond my reach.
  15. Just finished work, the quiz tonight was so full of shit it was unreal. Every question was practically a history lesson which rarely had bearing on the question itself, an Arnie example: "Predator was a film starring Arnie in [Year] about an alien we now call Predator, it was set in the jungle and has the phrase 'If it bleeds, we can kill it', but when was Arnie born?" Shit like that. Except even longer. Then he does the thing which pisses me off with some quizzes, is that they say the entire question again when giving the answer, not incorporating it into the sentence to make it more fluid. Which given the length of the questions themselves
  16. Does that mean we're going to have a birthday for everyone thread?
  17. I wish I had one of those Joker squeezy things from the old days. Good times.
  18. pr0 opportunity might be coming my way. A friend who I went to uni with makes websites, and made one for this mobile company. They may need someone to write some things up to go on their news page, at £50 a pop. And apparently around 4 a month. Here's hoping I can secure it.
  19. Wouldn't trust chairdriver as far as I could throw him :p [wub]
  20. Yeah, but I removed it It was a shitty bell. Looked something like this.
  21. I can collaborate. Dandelion is still an original EEVIL production.
  22. 18 law abiding citizens who were being cautious?! Disgraceful. This sends out a bullshit message to the youth of today who think they can cycle through supermarkets with no lights on making noise. It's wrong I say. These 18 people need commendations. Also bullshit. The rain rusted the spring on my bell, I shouldn't have to be slammed in the slammer because of shoddy workmanship!
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