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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Strangely... There is nothing on the Samsung website pertaining to this model, which is the S3500, even as it's apparently called the S Beat. I've tried connecting this phone, which I just bought today, I've updated my Samsung PC Studio 3 and all drivers are up to date. The PC recognises a 'removeable disc' is connected, but the PC studio doesn't acknowledge any phone is connected. My former phone, also a Samsung which used the same software which was acknowledged straight away. I went on their website which mentions going into device manager and fapping about if it has a yellow question mark, which mine didn't. Help me pweese!
  2. Just been out with mummy, choose a new carpet for my room, then went to Carphone Warehouse to get a new phone. Need to download an upgradings app that'll give me the powah to put my own ch00ns as ringtones. Managed to use my old phone to get a bit of monies off, which I used to get a USB cable. The cable seems to be shit or the softwareings is shit. Either way it seems to recognise something is connected to my PC but doesn't do anything about it.
  3. Unless I whip my unit out and release some heavy ejaculation soon, my team will be relegated.
  4. They have them on their website yeah. You going to learn the game firsthand?
  5. And it's £20 on their site. http://www.game.co.uk/search.aspx?s=lets+tap&platform=*&sort=itemOrderasc
  6. Another cracking defeat. Only a minor asspounding this week.
  7. Likewise, plus mine has the GBA strapped to the bottom of it, so I can play my old GB/C games from days of old.
  8. Metropolis The anime one. I pretty much still agree with this review I wrote years ago. http://sc-yoshimitsu.deviantart.com/journal/3147741/
  9. pr0 hot. You got the Delta album then? I've been thinking of getting it, any good?
  10. Transformers Since I've been invited to watch Revenge of The Fallen on Saturday, I thought I might as well watch the original beforehand. Wasn't bad, a few things happened too quick [shot wise] so was hard to see what was happening. On the whole, an enjoyable viewings. Eight Shabba's
  11. That is assuming: A] You're ever on MSN B] You ever reply when you're on :p I myself will be unavailable until further notice today.
  12. I got a letter from the bank today, saying my Maestro Debit card is due to expire and it's Digivolving into a Visa Debit... scary.
  13. Not fucking happy. An unknown number just tried calling me, and as I pick up, my phone shuts off. I have a horrible feeling it was The Weakest Link.
  14. Threatening might've been your bullshit logic in closing the threads before. Confusing because you've changed your tune [mentioned above], potentially confusing as personal definitions of news may vary from yours. Thus confusion might occur when someone posts a seperate topic on something they deem to be on its own and you have a bitchfit, slamming out your crystal ball predicting how it will end. Pure speculation. That's because, might just be me that's thinking this, that they are more confined to a certain subject matter.
  15. I think so, but lies at the far edges of my childhood memories.
  16. Failing that, get Barry Scott. Some Cillit Bang could help. Or one of those Vanish bints.
  17. I tried watching that again recently, I was almost bored to tears I am saddened to say. I think it was the bullshit "family" stuff which ruined it for me.
  18. Fuck no. It was all about billiards. The short and sweetness of the games.
  19. And I won't dispute that, but I was feeling more of an actual looking like Link-ish.
  20. Well I did buy Monkey Ball again a few years back for a tenner off Play, mainly just for Monkey Billiards.
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