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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Was that the woman with the spot on lyrics around 2:20?
  2. We have frosty relations all over the place! Why haven't we sent the Queen in?
  3. What if there's two, one in front of the other and both empty, would you be nicked if you drove through the other?
  4. I'm sorely temptedings to get this. Highly recommendings? Would the game be any more enjoyable if you were wearing one of your favourite t-shirts?
  5. What can be more wonderful than putting yo' ass on a nigga, grinding on his dick to make it a little bigger? [i love his arm gestures too, I'm trying to incorporate it into my daily life]
  6. It's so fucking catchy, I find myself almost "singing" it, complete with the awesome "WHAT?!"s that fit so smoothly. Plus I love the "Yeah!" at the 54 second mark.
  7. You're about to have your Party crashed. By Richter.
  8. It keeps reminding me of Heath Ledger.
  9. Parallel parking? What rules are they?
  10. Better version coming. Urgh! The fucking American one... the voices don't fit at all! Now this is what we're talking about! UK Version! But we all know it comes down to this. The amazing remix, which I'm very tempted to make into a custom ringtone.
  11. I feel we're missing an important aspect Retro. I think this might be it. WHICH ONE IS IT?!
  12. I think so. If I'm in the right mood I'll eat 3+ in quick succession.
  13. Well my nose has been doing the bullshit leaking also. I'm going to grab some extra-strong Lockets on the way to work.
  14. The latest joke: "NEWS FLASH: Farrah Fawcett had but 1 wish when entering heaven 'Please look after the children'. So God took Michael Jackson. Gary Glitter is shitting himself!"
  15. No, they don't. That's what I am saying. They aren't polite because they don't acknowledge your courtesy, hence the oblivious remark. They may be polite to other young 'uns because they're more than likely homies. Additionally, the kids who I've had the pleasure of being driven around by, also enjoy employing the builder attitude whenever a tasty lass is passed.
  16. Fucking right doggie. Can't wait for work at 5.
  17. Yeah, the majority are completely oblivious to what's going on.
  18. I'd have to disagree with the little chavvy bell ends round here.
  19. Law of averages? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_averages Or of course, Law of Large Numbers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Large_Numbers
  20. Maybe: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/1/20090626/ten-jackson-fans-to-be-offered-full-refu-c60bd6d.html
  21. Sister Act 1 & 2 People will always say they remember where they were when something memorable happens. I will [probably] always remember when the discussion of Jackson's death, I was watching Sister Act. Watched the second at about 5 this morning. A pr0 duet of films. Sporting a nice young Jennifer Love Hewitt as an added bonus. Nine Shabba's
  22. I think I'm coming down with some dodgy cold... I couldn't sleep under the covers because I'd sweat like a bitch. And couldn't sleep on the blanket because I got too cold. Woke up drenched in sweat.
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