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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I prefer a minimalistic approach, while I size them up to see what I can get away with. The first meeting is almost pure recon. But you don't get that far and hit the back of their throat instead
  2. The land of Arnie prank call pr0ness. http://www.realmofdarkness.net/pc/arnold-calls
  3. It's the beatdown that's so entertaining. Finding out that the parents of baby B are brother and sister after a one night stand is TV gold. Watching the "guilty" parties and their parents/friends etc react is the best part. Half of the time you don't get that because Kyle wades in, knee-deep in his own bullshit to give some sage advice. Not a big fan on the reuniting parent thing. I know it's a good thing but there's only one way it can only go. Blubbering and hugging (I'm yet to see a reunion where one half has exploded at the other). Trauma is much more volitile and unpredictable. I can't believe some of these reunited people don't know what's coming. They claim to have no idea why they're there, and Jeremy (Or any other host) starts talking about their father and where they went etc etc. What the fuck are they expecting to happen now? "Well I've just spent 20 minutes asking about your father and I can see you're just not getting it. I sent my team out (That's right MY team, it's the JEREMY KYLE SHOW) to find your father. And you know what? We couldn't find him. Join me after the break where we find out if Goat Boy is actually a llama, those all important DNA results next."
  4. That's just too depressing to be anywhere near humourous.
  5. Beats watching Gok Wan.
  6. No they don't. I've caught a few instances of Springer recently, they get them topless (just the blokes sadly) and wear ties and merely grapple each other.
  7. Saw that a few days ago, loved the guys accuracy.
  8. A hardcore brother of the pr0 who takes shit from noone.
  9. I can't grow a beard/stache. But it's starting to grow more evenly. I didn't have to shave seriously until I was about 19, and that was about once a month. With the stache it's amazing. I get what I call the "Reverse Hitler".
  10. Word. Plus the satisfaction you get afterwards when people give it the pr0 respect: amazing.
  11. She wants to get into your pants.
  12. If I hadn't committed to the Ken, I would definitely consider that. How did you make the head?
  13. Do they have the Park catalogue service where you are?
  14. They're just trying to cover their arse, as you said: I've not been ID'd in awhile, mainly because I haven't been out all that often to new and exotic places where they don't know me. I've had a place ID me a couple of times, I just stared them in the face and said "I didn't bring my ID." and they let me in.
  15. I feel the proton pack annoyance. A friend and I at uni once went out as the Ghostbusters, us both having bought the jumpsuit and inflatable proton pack. Here we are doing what we really shouldn't be doing: Crossing the Streams. When we got to the Union later that night we deemed it too crowded to carry on. So we had to deflate them. We were devastated. I'm trying to convince him to go as Ryu to match my Ken.
  16. Beautiful. Not sure what I want yet. It'll be something along the lines of games/DVDs.
  17. Got any images of the costume in progress?
  18. Since Christmas is too far away apparently, here is something which is a little closer and after the forward slash something which is pretty much all year round. Any costume ideas for halloween (DON'T HATE ME GRAZZA) or random parties later/even earlier this year people? In just under two weeks I'll be jetting off to Leicester for a uni gringo's birthday gathering, which the "theme" this year is Games Vs Films since he "could only think of a very limited number of characters that people would recognise so I've decided to change the theme to films and games as they're both big interests of mine (yes i'm a copout)". Since I've done many movie costumes over the years, Ghostbuster/Joker/V/Goose from Top Gun (sans 'stache) and some others I thought I'd go down the gaming route. Trying to think of something I could slam together quickly and cheapish I somehow came across Ken from Street Fighter (I am rather buff). So I bought a nice looking Gi: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270643709448 attacked it with some scissors and added some red dye, and presto: If I end up doing something for halloween I might pull this off again around the homeland. People! Go!
  19. Petty this may be, but is there anything he has of yours you could swipe back?
  20. I was wondering the same thing. Programmes which are sponsored by Dixons (I believe or something else) are already bragging their Christmas wares. Maybe it's the old tradition, you know it's christmas when the Holidays are Coming Coca-Cola adverts start screening again.
  21. Did I read it right when you said he bought your old house? How did he get in? Your mother didn't seem to know about it.
  22. You hated Mario 3 didn't you. I quite liked the DS titles, granted they were fairly similar but I quite liked the format. Walking into a room with a massive axe ready for some ultimate beatdown - genius.
  23. Well I'm certainly getting a woody... I'll see myself out.
  24. Don't blame us for Channel 4's scheduling!
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