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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. McFly were awesome. Especially Marty, but he messed up his hand with a Rolls-Royce and fucked up his music career potential. But don't worry, he went back/forward and cracked down on the shit. Second time around he didn't succumb to temptation.
  2. Muchos respect Oximon. Get drunk. Well... It's my way of coping with grief. Maybe a photo keyring, they're not that corny. Does it have to be physical though? My cat's the background on my phone. My girlfriend's parents had their dog cremated too. It sits in a box in the living room, are you keeping him around or doing the scattering thing. I still have that. If I pass my parents bedroom and catch a glimpse of something on the bed out of the corner of my eye I think it's him. But I know where he really is, every time I go into the kitchen I look out the window and say hi.
  3. It's not the controls, it's the piss-poor camera/lock on what's bothering me.
  4. Word. they make it look so easy on the adverts and sound so simple on the packaging. It simply doesn't work like that.
  5. Is it just a graphical update of the original with some "minor" tweaks and has (for some bullshit reason) Daniel Craig in it?
  6. Quality poster, I have that on me wall. Want the other 2 also but aren't having much luck finding them (when I tried) A contender for the worst poster, for a bad movie.
  7. Finally someone who agrees the books blow goats...
  8. Thought I'd give it a go. Saw it in Toys R Us for a tenner on the Wii or £13 on 360. Went for the 360 option. Not a bad game, but will soon get used to the controls.
  9. All I can recall is that Harry, Hermione and Ron just fap around camping and then running away when the Death Eaters get close. I've been meaning to re-read the book to see if I can actually enjoy it.
  10. I thought this was going to be your next meme attempt but I'm glad to be wrong. Have a good one Moogle.
  11. As an Elton John fan I was mortified at some performances. Wagner made me die a little inside. And having Cher[?] rap halfway through her performance was just stupid.
  12. Tim Burton = Meh. Was once good but then... Tom Cruise said it best.
  13. So will you be pulling off the African-American-Dane all the time?
  14. That wasn't specified. It's what you've been playing constantly this year, not what Radio One has that you've taken a liking to. Even the topic creator doesn't care.
  15. A nice few random classics keep finding their way out of my speakers. More when I remember.
  16. And I bet the burn marks on your penis are scathing. Best thing at the moment today is the nap I had. Hate early starts, but I've got my body clock on for tonight when I can use an extensive amount* of beer vouchers to get hammered. *Eight
  17. Dyson speaks truth. Shut it down. Dictionary.com doesn't recognise it. I think it's a remix of unattatched and disassociated.
  18. Not seen that but am going to say without any evidence that Species 8472 was better.
  19. The only time I think I've experienced that was when Yoda got his lightsabre out in Attack of The Clones. I think I applauded also. Not massive applause, just a few claps.
  20. Hilarious... right?
  21. Take your old housemate so he can back you up. But he might be as violent.
  22. On contrare mon frere. You do not know the extent of this pr0 opinion network. Voyager both pisses AND shits on Deep Space Nine. Fuck off. I think I've made my point. Silliness aside. I'm just enjoying that it fucked his text colour over.
  23. Record a conversation with him and have something concrete, both to show his negligence and possible embezzlement and threats of physical violence.
  24. But why don't you? Even though you say you feel guilty you never seemed to be one who hides from expressing his opinion and sharing your experiences which I respect you for. Are you saying you're indulging (maybe even enjoying?) the practice of psychological self harm?
  25. Fight the power Chair. I want to see you on the news having done something chaotic. You should feel guilty. I haven't seen any straight students get discount at a brothel. So basically "All talk no action". But you did say you fought the police, was that with stunning action or stunning words?
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