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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. And Charizard is Fire/Flying.
  2. Correct. To avoid such confusion I would've just got pictures of earth/water/fire. I thought that was obvious.
  3. Where was that?
  4. Three of these: Some amazing trees: And some sculpting tools. My most ambitious project ever. They will be finely crafted to represent a monumental battle between the chosen Trinity: It's going to be fucking sexy.
  5. Zavvi's fucking customer service is absolute wank. Fucking item turns up late after (them) not putting the order through, I get defective shit and after sending it back they take the piss further. It's almost been two weeks since I sent it back. I felt generous/forgot and left it a little longer than the "at least 10 days" horseshit. Sent them another message. I daresay it's going to give me the usual "Yes we do say wait at least ten days but what we really meant was at least ten times ten days. Thank you for shopping with Zavvi." FUCK ZAVVI.
  6. What's wrong with a quick bit of masturbation? It's burns energy, gives you a nice bit of satisfaction and it'll get you to sleep quicker. Failing that, have a pad and pen nearby. Maybe you're feeling so awake is because you have all these ideas/shabba which you fear you'll lose. So write/draw* everything down so you know that if you fall asleep everything will be recorded. *I had trouble sleeping because I started having inspiration about a project I'd be working on. And after saying to myself I'd remember I couldn't sleep. After whipping out a pad and doing some sketches I was able to sleep rather nicely.
  7. Except for those who seek lung cancer. They're allowed extra breaks because they're special*. *twats.
  8. You can cut the bullshit right now boy. I'll decide who plays. And I decided what kind of game you'll play. IF ANY.
  9. Because nothing else online gives you the chance to vent about topics you feel strongly about. I assume the amazing thing here is someone asking about this issue before you can rant about it. As opposed to writing about it in a blog* and uploading/linking it when you actually feel like writing it. *Also the catch about being anonymous. Because mystery makes the internet all exciting.
  10. Blood Bowl was amazing. My Dad got it when it first came out. Beautiful. The store where I play the Pokémon TCG has it for £50. They can fuck right off. It's a pr0 game but not that pr0. Necromunda was weird. I didn't have it, but you're right, it's weird with all the mohicans all over the place. Gorkamorka was something I had, which was awesome at the time. The silly thing was the unusually small bases and (later shown) shit small stature of Orks: Something shitty like this: Then later on they were given these hulking shapes like this:
  11. Nice paintjob Burmy, it's a shame the models aren't that good Sounds awesome.
  12. Space Hulk was a quality game.
  13. Mixing the old with the new. I like. You know how to use green stuff? Teach me the secrets!
  14. Everyone's looking so serious, except Spiderman who thinks he's at a emo rock concert. If web isn't coming out Spidey, don't keep the pose.
  15. It's a grass type. I'm shocked you never made the link before.
  16. I had one of them too. Amazing. I've seen them win about 2-3 times. Both against Jimbob's math teacher. I'd love to go against him, he looks like my old housemate and I love how passionate he gets when he loses, slamming both hands on the desk. Either him of The Barrister: Mainly because of my ambition in law and wouldn't mind picking his brains. Not this lady. Mainly because she isn't the other two, but also because she looks like a frog. She seems proud on being able to tilt her head back and show her massive bulging throat.
  17. Well since my many applications to the Weakest Link are taking their time I've applied to be on The Chase: http://www.itv.com/entertainment/thechase/ Go people! We're in enough random locations to be possibly teamed up together!
  18. You're all going to be my bitch.
  19. The next episode should be those two lezzing it up.
  20. Should get the same guy who did this, the Leslie Neilsen stuff would be awesome for this: http://www.realmofdarkness.net/pc/calls/leslie/det Actually this new Arnie sound is flawless. ReZ, ring up and ask this Paul chap for Sarah Connor: http://www.realmofdarkness.net/pc/calls/arnold/pimp
  21. I'm Team Captain. Before any of this shit gets going.
  22. He goes slightly beyond the forecourt. He's an idiot but he's not that much of one.
  23. I did the one they had in Blackpool many eons ago.
  24. I'm sure Arnie can give them a call.
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