Tis true, I despise Brand to the max. But he managed to beat his addiction, if I'm reading that correctly. And (to my knowledge) nothing big has happened to Winehouse to prompt her to relapse (Unless you count being booed off stage by your fans at a concert because you turned up drunk) whereas Brand had that radio shizzle with Wossy and he still came out alright addiction wise.
Those that blame her upbringing for becoming addicted to whatever are missing the point. If we blame someone's past for everything they did wrong, many wrongdoers could evade punishment. Someone saw a rape and became a rapist themselves? Let them off the hook! No.
It all comes down to restraint. Winehouse clearly didn't have any/enough. But we're blurring two lines into one here. Sympathy/lack of for her dying and how much of a crack-whore she was. Granted they are linked though, but not as much as it seems people are implying.
So here's a picture of a kitten and bunny, now go people, post somewhere else!