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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Can we make it a rule of the island he has to use standard black text?
  2. That poster is misleading as it shows Isaacs not being the unshaven pussy he actually was in the film. BUT ON THIS NOTE http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/26082011/35/dan-aykroyd-confirms-ghostbusters-3-0.html FUCK YEAH
  3. Place your bets on this game being quicker than an X-Men Mafia night phase.
  4. It's coming along slowly... Temporarily attached the wings on. I don't think this will look that good until it's been udnercoated at least. There's so much green stuff used/filed.
  5. No one has a light?
  6. The only way to make her fully understand is to put her in the same position.
  7. I'm down for this.
  8. In the normal world we call them "Ice Ages"
  9. Not that wrong. Here's my left hand (not at the exact angle, but you can see what I'm aiming for.): I think it looks confusing because I didn't do the line where the white dot is.
  10. We seem to be feeling the sibling angst together Eddiemon. I feel that.
  11. I know what you mean, but when I pose my arms like that myself it looks similar to that. I think I'm missing drawing a few lines to make it more obvious.
  12. How is it irrelevant? Us right handed people couldn't play "northpaw" in older games.
  13. Don't worry, I did some CSI type tests to see if it was really addressed to him. Luckily it had his name at the top of the paper, which saved me time performing a blood analysis. Also, taken from the t-shirt topic:
  14. Left handed gamers have been able to aim with their left (their "strongest") hand for years, what is it after the introduction of a right analogue stick which created the bitching?
  15. Seriously pissed off by how this turned out. I've 99% of it painted for a few days, I apply the "design" to the end of the elbow fins and it bleeds the fuck out of the ink.
  16. You've gotta love the auditions. Especially that bloke who went on "to clear his name" after being aggressive in an earlier series and was even worse this time.
  17. In theory, before analogue sticks were on the right side, that favoured the left handed people. Word to this. Some of the text on games I've played recently have been way too small. When I first got Banjo Kazooie on the 360 the tiny text made it unplayable. Thankfully there was a patch to make it larger. Didn't help much.
  18. Just seen a note from my mum to my brother saying it's "time for him to go". This would technically be the third time he's been told to move out/threatened to be kicked out, so this should be interesting.
  20. When a girl tries to break it off with Rummy: You don't break up with Rummy. Rummy breaks up with you.
  21. Armstrong is amazing in those adverts. Tell the people down as DFS that. They've had a sale going before Jesus was born.
  22. You mean to make these mutual friends decide? That'd just create more problems.
  23. It's good to see some equality in adverts these days. Always covering up the ladies nipples whilst letting the men's wander free. Sexist fucks.
  24. I doubt that, but it was fortunate that Valve got involved. Yes, it did mention that in the video. Always good to be prepared.
  25. Apparently Sergé's impression of Alexandré
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