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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Shoulda got one with Marti myself, but was too semi-hungover to remember. Got a hug though, which was cool. Here's me at the back looking really into my game. And later on Sunday getting my dreams eaten by a Haunter.
  2. Notebooks, lots of notebooks. I have more notebooks than I have stuff to write about but if I see a quirky notebook I have to restrain myself to buy it.
  3. You want a woman to do that? As we all know, there was only one penis in the Gerudo peeps.
  4. You'd think so. But to get the third no-need-to-memorise-because-it-keeps-changing code you need to have a second code. So to get to my online banking, I have to do the following: Enter my unique bank thing. Enter my password question. [Enter the password on my Smart Key to get another number] Enter the new number given. Finally - Access. To give this a bit more context: Enter my unique bank thing: AB1234567890 Enter my password question: JIMBOBSWALLOWS [Enter the password on my Smart Key to get another number] 1234 - Given 123 456 Enter the new number given [123 456] It's a bit of a shit when all I wanna do is check my balance.
  5. Which is a fucking ballache when I have one password to remember as well as having to remember a second password to generate a third.
  6. Worked well in Tekken?
  7. Ricky the Kangaroo anyone?
  8. I just love how chubby the Batman logo is.
  9. It would be surprising if they didn't appear. And they'd be controllable too if they do appear. Such is the magic appeal of these games. Onox = aforementioned Sauron reference. Skip to 1.00.
  10. Yeah but it'll still have enemies standing around doing nothing. So obviously it won't be a good game. ¬_¬
  11. Isn't the "one enemy attacking whilst the rest stand about" what they did in Wind Waker?
  12. Make good advertising moments for digital cameras it seems.
  13. Hell yeah. It's mounds of fun when an army tries to swarm you and you're batting them away like Sauron in Fellowship of the Ring.
  14. Nice day paintballing. £7 for the day with 100 balls, which will not last all day. Had to buy 400 more balls (cost about £32 althogether) and the refreshments were a joke, can of coke cost a quid and someone said he was charged £2.50 for a Snickers. Got shot in the balls - Jesus... Owie owie owie.
  15. I can see the smile angle, but the skin colour factor makes the distinction between you two rather easy.
  16. That Vimeo link? It's giving me vibes of more recent fire temples, mixed with the cathedral from Eternal Darkness. I'm not sure how you can say it's un-Nintendo when the original Temple of Time was so boring.
  17. I hope you got marked down for the blurry font. It's very distracting, and this is just the cover we're seeing.
  18. WAIT WAIT WAIT. You're telling me that my Flink guess was wrong?! DAT SHIT?!
  19. Dat is one big ass image dude.
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