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Everything posted by Japjer

  1. Donderdagen weer? Ik zal er proberen bij te zijn! Als ik mn wheel nog kan vinden...=p

  2. 502 deaths...ah well, I'm done at least.
  3. I've started to skip the first green star & gone straight to the second one most of the time, so i can skip the preview shots. The green stars are a real disappointment so far. Only 1 in 4 are remotely interesting. It's become a chore to finish them lately (doing about 10 a day now...someone pay me!)
  4. If you count the deaths by communism and the deaths by democracy, democracy would probably win it easily. That's not to say communism > democracy, but you can't just blame a political system for all that is wrong in the world.
  5. Mario Party Online with Wii Speak Brawl/Mario Kart package with better online options Some online RPG Then I'll pay.
  6. wiimote taunting =p, you don't always get to choose which taunt you get =p


    Enjoyed our matches too =)

  7. Hey, i remember that comic from your avatar, but i forgot where i saw it. you happen to have the url?

  8. Enjoyed our matches, Sprout! Were you holding back, though? (yea i know, really horrible to ask with a 1:10 win-ratio :p )

  9. you coming too?

  10. Guess i forgot to turn my wii off :p

  11. Guess i forgot to turn my wii off :p

  12. Dutch site bol.com has em http://www.bol.com/nl/p/games/samurai-shodown-anthology/1004004006203081/index.html http://www.bol.com/nl/p/games/king-of-fighters-collection-the-orochi-saga/1004004006203003/index.html They'll be in english for sure, but i think all european games have several language options anyway.
  13. Got to Izoold now. I like the game a bit better than i did last time, but it really seems worse than the original in every way.
  14. Gosh, England is really in the easiest group ever.. Group of death -> Brazil, Cote d'Ivoire, North-Korea & Portugal Oh and France totally lucked out with South-Africa.
  15. And violated toads! :p Edit: Lol, didn't see the above post when i replied.
  16. I got brawl to work again, i guess this game can join Little King's Story & Okami in my Dungeon of Games-I-Should-Like-But-Don't-Get-Past-The-First-Chapter.
  17. I'm a bit worried about the length of the game. I was looking at the stats while i was in
  18. Just got this today, about 1 hour in the game and boy the story so far is horrible. Why do we need a flashback of a conversation that took place FIVE minutes ago?! I'm not really used to fighting properly. Seems like i really have to defend every now & then..yes, i already died in the first dungeon :p I assume the centurion thing will be explained a bit more? What happened to the summon spirits? (don't tell me if it gets explained later on =p)
  19. I'd only consider mario party if you have 3 or 4 people to play it. I never really enjoyed 2-player mario party. Even though it's a 1-player game, Zack & Wiki is alot of fun to play with others. Even if you're not the one playing you can give pointers (with the wii-mote if you want to).
  20. cmon dude, you know you want to!

  21. Spoiler!!! :o
  22. Some other time, about to get some sleep =)

  23. Uhoh.. Beschikbaar = available They tend to be correct most of the time.
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