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Everything posted by Japjer

  1. Then again, he's probably doing this cause this would help his campaign. He uses Sarah Palin to scare people into voting for him, while at the same time stay clear of criticism cause he himself says it can't be tolerated (thus gaining more votes). If he would really feel the way he does, he wouldn't let Sarah Palin make those accusations. It's all part of the campaign. I'm not saying Obama/Biden wouldn't do the same, at the moment they just don't need to.
  2. Hard mode update! Damn, it really takes ages to finish a chapter now, my current team includes Meg, Edward and Aran; extremely hard to lvl up. On top of that, they don't seem to level up properly either. Noone aside from the overleveled people can double and they're all as fragile as they were in the first few chapters. Exception for some weird reason is Micaiah, who capped def at lvl 12 (with dracoshield). She seems to be the only character doing well, but is also the only one capable of using paragon. In the prison chapter now, only gave it a shot once. The stairs (Micaiah, Nolan, Edward) and east side (Sothe, Aran, Leonardo) are easy, but the northern part has 3 strong monsters all coming at you at once, something Meg, Jill and Volug can't handle.
  3. Well, i gave it another shot and I'm beginning to like it. My handle is NLJapjer, add me if you feel like winning =).
  4. Just got the game today. So far I'm not really into it yet (then again, it is my first tiger woods game). Graphically it all looks kind of mediocre. Could've easily been done on GC, the enviroments are kind of dark as well (hard to see where the fairway stops & the rough starts). Well, i only did like 1 game so far, so i guess i'd have to give it another shot.
  5. Is there a way to remove the jump function from pressing up on the analogue stick? The game doesn't seem to give you the option to, which is annoying when you want to do a normal up attack (as in, not smash)
  6. Haha yea, I loved how they dared to count the 3 second medal-glows-in-mist's-hands as a genuine cutscene. @ Tales, I read that Aran is supposed to be a good unit, but i tried to raise him on my first playthrough and it's just damn hard to get his speed up to par. With the increased lvls, I'm expecting him to get doubled through all of part 1.
  7. Well, i got into this game again after i got my new (with all saves lost) wii. Managed to finish normal mode relatively easy, and I'm back to hard mode, where i was at 1-endgame before my wii broke. Does anyone have any experience in hard mode? I mostly used the regular good units in normal mode, so i want to mix it up a bit and use some of the (initially) crappier units like Meg and Aran. Would i get away with it? Any other tips?
  8. I use the remote & nunchuck combo as well. Problem is, whenever i start a game, i forget to put in my name so i end up with the default controls. I hate jumping with the C-button =(. I use down on the D-pad for jumping usually, i'm used to using that & A at the same time from mario strikers.
  9. Just got it and so far im liking it. Like with mario kart & strikers i went online straight away. By the way, on random matches, do we play europeans only or is it the entire world I'm playing? Olimar is already one of my favorites =)
  10. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/942008/52716 Apparently different characters have different stats as well. Funky Kong gets +4 in speed, so that should make him the best in time trials. It also explains why 9000+ players use daisy/baby daisy alot.
  11. It's cause while it is IN the rules, it's rule no 12.139813986k It doesn't occur that often =) The main point is that he just happened to fall down in that spot. He didn't leave play on purpose cause he was injured, buffon knocked him out, he might as well have fallen on the other side of the line.
  12. Hmm, it still allowed me to play the old competition..
  13. Quite early, i only managed to do it twice so i'm not exactly an expert :p But yea, while it's still circling above you. The boost from the shroom is quite long, so it's probably better to be a bit early than a bit late.
  14. I got my first mushroom in first place today (that i noticed). 5 seconds later, a blue shell came to get me...and i shroomed away from it!! =D I love how my Mii looked behind him to see what was going on there =D
  15. I checked, bolting has a weight of 19, so 24 to cap it doesn't hurt. Also, she can retaliate when she has a stave equiped and i believe that uses strength for attack power.
  16. I got extremely lucky once on the competition track. Got a golden mushroom in the first lap and found a star someone dropped at the first turn of the second lap. Too bad it was like my 2nd try, i still made waay too many mistakes.
  17. There was a hitler contest?!
  18. I called them today, and of course the one time in the ~20 years i've owned nintendo consoles, they're closed for a week...
  19. Sooo, 20 minutes after reading this topic, i thought i'd try the new mario kart competition and guess what? ...
  20. You gotta remember that 2nd place is probably harder to keep than first. You'll most likely get a red shell that the 1st place can easily counter with their 3000 bananas and place 3 and 4 have high odds to get triple red shields or a big mushroom.
  21. And I think i got an A or even * without winning all races.
  22. I had a similar match just now, two 3-star players, two 1-star players and noone below 7000. And then they select tracks like moo moo meadows and luigi circuit...:p Closing in on 8000 now and for some reason, the tracks im good at seem to change. Daisy Circuit and Rainbow Road tend to be a guaranteed win, but Maple Treeway doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Maybe it's because it always comes up in mirror mode I just had the closest finish ever as well. 7 people ALL together in the last turn of daisy circuit. I got a pow block at the last item boxes, so i use it and pass everyone. 2 seconds before the finish a red shell gets tossed at me, i get hit and end up last :p
  23. How did you get 3 vs 1 on battle mode?
  24. Oh yea, that can be really annoying, though that usually means it's not much of a challenge to win from them (even on luigi circuit). Had to play the track 3 times in a row once, cause half the people were selecting it...
  25. Bad: Blue shells in..friggin battle mode! (oh and pow blocks too...)
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