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Everything posted by Japjer

  1. How do you drag an item behind you anyway? With the Wii Wheel that is
  2. So i started hard mode the other day. I'm actually having an easier time right now, knowing what to look out for. It's really annoying that i can't see the enemies' range though =( Experience is also quite hard to get, so I decided to only level a small number of characters seriously. My Edward got a master seal at lvl 10, just to weaken the enemy and Leonardo tags along to weaken the monsters for Micaiah/Ilyana to kill. At least now i know not to bother with characters like Meg anymore
  3. I've actually had a mirror game already, even though i haven't even unlocked it! Scared the hell out of me. This was with friends btw, not a worldwide/continental match.
  4. I got a golden wheel!!! YAY!
  5. Maybe it depends on what mark you get. For the new tracks i got B to one star and for the retro tracks one to two stars.
  6. So what control scheme is everyone using? I've only used the wheel so far, i love turning it all the way on a sharp turn =) Gonna go for the golden wheel!
  7. I'll add you! Here you can find mine =)
  8. Well, considering most of the best-sellers are from nintendo, it makes sense for them to not let the sales drop and keep the buzz. A smash bros bundle might've been better though, mario kart will proably be a multimillion seller in europe anyway.
  9. I just got the game (For the dutch: the mediamarkt has heaps for only 44 euros), played a cup and some online matches, and it rocks! I only used the wheel controller so far, but i already like it alot. You do get paired with people using normal controllers, but so far they aren't doing that much better, and the people who use the wheel get a little wheel by their name, so with a win you can say: And i even used the wheel!!!...to the tv screen =p. Items are quite powerful though, so i'm not seeing anything truly competetive coming out of this. I also like how you can easily throw items backwards or forwards, by just pressing up or down. My friend code: 0731-4857-2792 Let me know if you add me =D
  10. Ok, i finally finished the game.
  11. Use Nolan alot, he's really good at the start of the game, but now overleveled like Sothe, so he actually gains something from it. Edward can also be a great unit, but he'll need some taking care of in the first few levels. Try to get him an earth support with someone ASAP. Volug is great for weakening the monsters. He doesn't really get enough exp from them, so try not to kill them. Furthermore, make sure you let Micaiah get enough exp, or she'll be weak for the entire game. (It might just be my Micaiah though, her is speed was like 14 at the start of part 4 =( )
  12. I see you are looking forward to playing it
  13. My online order have usually come from the (afaik) dutch 'amazon' bol.com I've had games like skies of arcadia a few days early. I believe they ship to the UK as well (no clue what they charge for it though).
  14. Ike's a slut. (no offense, forum-Ike)
  15. Has it been confirmed that you can choose to play people by the controller they use? (online) I'm all for choice, but I don't want to be forced to use a gamecube controller cause i wouldn't have a shot at winning otherwise.
  16. Isn't Europe starting to be the bigger market of the two, especcially considering the current exchange rate?
  17. Actually, Micaiah DOES say Ike is father to Sothe's children. So i guess Soren would be the mother
  18. Ok, i think im finally stuck.
  19. It was implied in PoR that this might happen. Don't worry, it will all be explained. Them sub-humans don't get it either, so they'll spell it out for you
  20. From what i've read, apparently your 20/20 characters in PoR get either an initial stat bonus or an increase in their caps for the stats they maxed in PoR. Also weapon levels are transferred, as long as the weapon level gained is better than the level it would've gotten (I don't know about Brom though, who switches weaponry). Coins are useful now, apparently they get transferred too, but i don't know where exactly. Also, the way the game is set up, you'll be using almost every character at least once, so you can never go wrong with capping someone. About savegames, it seems to be fixed in the european version. I used a normal playthrough on PoR for my normal RD game, though i also had the option of using my hard playthrough for it.
  21. 10) Baten kaitos: big whale and the ocean blabla The only one i never got to finish. I loved the story and the battle system, though once i got out of it i couldn't get back. Started over once and made it to anuenue, then gave up again. I'd still buy origins in a heartbeat if it were ever released here. Tie for 9) Mario Kart: Double Dash!!/Mario Party 456/Mario Tennis/SSBM The least played mario kart still deserves a place on the list. Pretty much my favourite series. This is the only game that stopped working!!! =( The mario parties were most-played multiplayer games, they didn't add much over the years, but the formula works. Mario Tennis, just not the silly minigames and battlemodes. I totally loved SSBM, but none of my friends did. It probably would've been higher if i had played more multiplayer with it. (PM me for a brawl match!!!!!!!!...once it's released in europe) 8) Eternal Darkness I just loved everything about it. Never got around to finishing it 3 times though. 7) Resident Evil 4 I tried the REmake, played a grand total of 5 minutes, but this one i just couldn't stop playing. It's rare to see a game flow so easily, never felt like i was having a dull moment. 6) TLoZ: The Wind Waker I think i liked it more than twilight princess... 5) Super Mario Sunshine I might've liked it more than galaxy...(then again, maybe not xD) 4) Beyond Good & Evil This game was translated to dutch, and for the first time since we freed ourselves from spanish rule, the voices were OK! Krijg nou tieten! (literally translated: Go get boobs) Oh yea, the game itsself was great as well. Who wouldn't love a mix between pokemon snap (only without the pokemon ) and zelda, but set in the future! 3) Tales of Symphonia Epic though cheesy story, true value for your money and the battles are fun enough to keep going (contrary to Skies of Arcadia). 2) Paper mario: The Thousand-year Door This one truly surprised me. I had never played a Paper Mario game before, and i just figured I like RPGs, Mario games usually don't suck, so why not? Also, one of two RPGs that has absolutely NO grinding. 1) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance being the other one. I think i managed to finish this game about 5 times. And the silly thing, on my 5th playthrough i still didn't skip any of the story. It was my first Fire Emblem, after only playing the original advance wars, and i guess I'm officially addicted to the genre now. (just started part 4 on radiant dawn ) Worst Game: Universal Studios. Yep i owned it, my bro bought it (he also got GT pro & Far Cry for the Wii, i couldn't even trade in GT pro anymore cause i broke the wheel out of frustration). I'd rather pay for bejeweled on my GC.
  22. So there's several ways to get support up, just to get it straight: - Standing near eachother - Rescue - Heal - Conversation I'm talking about the game giving me the possibility to give a support and strengthen it. I know about the actual bonuses (Earth support FTW!)
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