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Everything posted by Japjer

  1. Ik heb je code nog nodig

  2. Your mii is so cool!
  3. Erf, I really need to get back to this game. Didn't even make it to the first king yet, cause i got kinda annoyed by the grinding for money.
  4. There's quite a learning curve, Tales. My first year on the tour, i only managed to reach the 2nd round of rolland garros, all others were 1st round exits.
  5. The offline options are also available for friend matches. You can even choose if you want it to be a ranked match or not.
  6. Screw the nunchuck! :P
  7. I think it also depends what tournament you are at. At Roland Garros they also have Rogèr Féderèr and Raphaël Nadál.
  8. For some reason, it seems my remote is responding better in online matches than it is in single player mode. I keep losing in the first round on easy, all because my shots aren't registered at all. And yea RedShell, i turned off the commentary after 1 hour as well. It's as if they couldn't pay for more than 5 sentences.
  9. Is that against the computer or other players? I'm not using the nun-chuck personally. My player moves by itsself just fine on the baseline. Approaching the net can get risky, but I guess that's how the game's supposed to work. The only problems I sometimes have is that my federer has a tendency to walk around his backhand/forehand even it makes no sense to do so.
  10. Put it here
  11. Or today! :p Yea, it's a hint in one of the MANY loading screens, hold the wiimote sideways, but most people would do that naturally anyway. Been playing a bit more now and it's starting to get more fun! I had some tense matches with some german dude and it really came down to tactics and ball placement. I had a lot of winners myself but lost the match on unforced errors. It seems doubles on 4 wiis isn't possible though, the matchmaking service is pretty much identical to the one in Tiger Woods 2008 except that you can only have one person join. Maybe it's possible if you play with friends.
  12. Got it! They already had it yesterday, but at least there were plenty copies left. Already tried it out a bit. So far I don't really do that well. It keeps registering my forehands as backhands for some reason, however when it's done correctly, it usually goes where i want it to go. Played some online matches too. This one guy kept spamming lobs, and they're quite hard to hit =(. I opened a thread in the online subforums if anyone wants to play me =)
  13. I'll hunt down the game tomorrow, expect me online as soon as i get it (most likely with Japjer as my handle).
  14. The same reason why it didn't work in mario strikers: who knows?
  15. Is it even possible to do doubles with 4 wii's?
  16. Too bad Soderling's not available (he isn't, right?). I'd love me some Nadal-killer!
  17. Are we positive that the H-bomb actually went off? All we saw was a white flash, it could be anything. Loved this season, season 2 and 3 made me stop watching. I'm glad i picked it up again. It's really time they started to kill off one of the main characters, though. Jack, Kate or Sawyer aren't vital to the main storyline aside from 'star power'. It's too bad that the writers think they can cut out newer characters such as Daniel, Juliet or the Australian lady when they still had so much story to tell about them. Here's hoping Miles (with Hurley) get a good part of the main arc.
  18. I got my copy in Belgium, but usually the mediamarkt should have it.
  19. Was that 60 hours of actual playtime or the time the game shows? I remember taking ~40 hrs for fire emblem, which in reality was more like 80 hrs (with all the resets)
  20. I got it yesterday, the damn frog keeps killing me!! And yea, the game runs in full screen.
  21. I would prefer Pokemon smash bros then =)
  22. Wow, such a good game and i had to go waaaay down to the 3rd page to find the thread? Got this game for christmas and i thought it might be fun, but...it really is! Already played through the adventure mode, but i can still see plenty of time spent on the challenges and I haven't even touched multiplayer yet! It's also one of the few games translated to dutch, unlike titles that could really need it like Prof Layton and Trauma Center or even big games: Super Mario Galaxy & Twilight Princess etc etc.
  23. Wasn't that Soren?
  24. Radiant Dawn is the 10th FE. And yea, i agree with the cutscenes. I'm fine with the normal dialogues, it's just the ingame scenes that play out horribly for me.
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