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Everything posted by Tphi

  1. You've just turned 18, but are currently on MSN?! WTF?! Well, I hope you go celebrating soon and have a wicked time. All the best on the big 18 mate! :bouncy: :bouncy:
  2. Many thanks go to Mr_Odwin for his suggested discussion points, by the way
  3. Tphi


    That's fucking shocking. I can really relate as a similar situation happend with me. Don't really need to go into it, but unfortunately they weren't caught. It sounds as if the **** who got you will get good punishment for it though, thank goodness. Keep strong, and don't think everyone is like that. There are a lot of genuinely amazing and nice people around, as well as the amazingly nasty ones. Edit: So 'tw*t' is filtered but 'fucking' isn't? Eh?
  4. Admit it, who put on FF/G size breasts and the most vigorous exercise..
  5. You'll finally be able to hear the staff's voices! This is exciting..
  6. Lol at Arabfreak. Anyhoo, yeah I forgot to say I saw Shigsy. I went down to London specially to see him at HMV when he did the signing, but was literally 30 seconds too late (despite being half an hour early) as it was so busy and they closed off the signing area. But I saw him, even if I didn't get to shake his hand One day though..
  7. Okay, maybe not..
  8. For the few hours I day I'm allowed out of R-E Headquarters (where my wrists are chained to the keyboard so I'm not tempted to research.. other things online that aren't from Nintendo news) I work at the big cinema in Norwich. Yesterday, Bernard Hill (King Theoden from Lord of the Rings) came in to watch Good Night, and Good Luck and I managed to say hi to him! It rather made my day ^_^ I also said hello to Lenny Henry once on the tube while in London, and met Derren Brown (my hero - he is a God) after one of his shows. Anybody else met other famous people?
  9. Everything was a bit wobbly around midday too, though things seem fine now :S Weird.
  10. If you have the time and the money, buy both and play the first then the second - you'll really appreciate how the series evolved and what a truly amazing game the second is (and what a moderately amazing game the first was). Otherwise, just get Pikmin 2. It's bigger, badder, and has tons of extra features and stuff.
  11. Congrats, have a great day dude
  12. 9/10 Some serious photoshop shiz.
  13. Have to admit Luna is one of my favourite characters. Never been keen on the movies but the fourth actually wasn't too bad. Hopefully the fifth will be good.
  14. I've seen bits of it (I work in a cinema, and have been trying to watch as much of it as I can while 'working') and it looks very good. I'm gonna try and catch it sometime this week. Happily it has been really, really popular so far. I guess there aren't that many mainstream films focusing on a male homosexual relationship, so it's caught many people's interest.
  15. "Cows are killed to make cheese"?!!! Heh, don't know what cheese you've been buying mate, but the cows I know (some of them intimately) most certainly survive being milked. As a veggie myself I can tell you that in my local supermarket only one type out of the thirty types of cheese they stock uses animal rennet - it's *far* more common that a different ingredient is used. Back in the the real world, for me melted cheese + marmite toasted on thick freshly cut proper white bread (not the pre-sliced plastic bagged stuff, folks) = the uberest munch ever. In fact, I have a craving for some right now..
  16. Very very true. I haven't done a one night stand, but if I did I can imagine me have regrets afterwards. Whether it's right or not is personal opinion - some people go for it, others need more.
  17. Dayum I got arrested..
  18. An excellent final issue - made me feel really festive! I've just updated the front page/comic archive saying it's now complete. Brilliant work throughout dude, I just hope we see some more comics from you sometime in the future!
  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all R-E readers Have a gud'un!
  20. Hehe fried Pika But that's the end of the story, no? *Wonders what the final comic will be*
  21. That's exactly what sprung to mind when I saw this. I would be very suprised if this wasn't legit. It's great news, I just hope TP isn't delayed too long because of it - I want it for the summer, not in the autumn when Revolution launches! Cube will well and truly be dead by then.
  22. What's in the box? *dum dum duuuuuuum*
  23. Excellent Sprout, keep up the good work, I still make sure to check every night
  24. I've got an O2 X2.. meh, need a new one.
  25. Great comic there, funny twist
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